Niche Research Report Generator
- Step 4
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Niche Research Report Generator - Confirm & Copy Final Agent Code
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[ { "taskID": 224, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Query and Identify Profitable ClickBank Niches Based on Current Market Data", "taskDescription": "This task uses an external data source to gather the top 20 profitable ClickBank niches, filtering by gravity scores above 20 and average earnings above $25. The goal is to provide raw market data on each niche, including gravity range, competition level, popularity trend, and commission rates.", "inputDescription": "It requires VARIABLE1 specifying how to prioritize and filter ClickBank niche data by gravity, earning potential, and popularity metrics.", "inputRequired": [ "VARIABLE1" ], "outputDescription": "This output is a raw, unstructured list containing 20 high-performing ClickBank niches, each with relevant metrics such as gravity scores, average earnings per sale, competition level, popularity trend, and commission rates.", "outputName": "raw_niche_data", "promptInstruction": "Please analyze current ClickBank marketplace data and provide a list of the top 20 most profitable niches. For each niche, include: 1) Current gravity score range, 2) Average earnings per sale, 3) Market competition level (low/medium/high), 4) General popularity trend (rising/stable/declining), 5) Average commission rates. Sort primarily by gravity score and earning potential. Exclude any niches with gravity below 20 or average earnings below $25 per sale." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Format and Rank the List of 20 ClickBank Niches", "taskDescription": "Using the raw data from the previous task, this step organizes and ranks the top 20 ClickBank niches based on gravity and earning potential. It produces a concise, numbered list with brief notes on competition and profitability for each niche.", "inputDescription": "This task requires the unstructured data from 'raw_niche_data'. It will parse that data to create a neatly formatted list of niches, each with short commentary on profitability and competition.", "inputRequired": [ "raw_niche_data" ], "outputDescription": "A finalized, ranked list of 20 ClickBank niches, each with concise commentary on profitability and market competition, sorted by overall potential. The list is easy to read and helps users quickly identify the most lucrative niches.", "outputName": "ranked_niche_list", "promptInstruction": "Using the raw ClickBank niche data provided, create a numbered list (1–20) of the most promising niches. For each niche entry, include: 1) The niche name as a clear heading, 2) A one-sentence summary of profitability potential (using the gravity scores and earnings data), 3) A one-sentence assessment of market competition. Format each entry with consistent labeling and concise text. Each entry should not exceed 3–4 lines." }, { "taskID": 218, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Brainstorm Related Keywords for Niche Analysis", "taskDescription": "Using the provided ranked niche list and user instructions (VARIABLE1), this task generates 3–5 primary and 3–5 long-tail keywords for each niche, including approximate search volume and competition metrics, to help guide targeted content and advertising.", "inputDescription": "Takes the 20-niche list ('ranked_niche_list') alongside user instructions (VARIABLE1) to formulate primary and long-tail keywords. The list of niches provides context for each niche's focus, while VARIABLE1 clarifies data points (search volume, competition levels) to be included.", "inputRequired": [ "VARIABLE1", "ranked_niche_list" ], "outputDescription": "A structured list of primary and long-tail keywords for each niche, including approximate monthly search volume and competition, labeled as 'raw_keyword_data'.", "outputName": "raw_keyword_data", "promptInstruction": "For the following list of niches in the ClickBank marketplace, generate: • 3–5 primary keywords that directly describe each niche • 3–5 long-tail keywords that target specific buyer intent • Include approximate monthly search volume and competition level for each keyword • Format each niche as follows: NICHE NAME: Primary Keywords: - keyword 1 (search volume: X, competition: low/medium/high) Long-tail Keywords: - long-tail 1 (search volume: X, competition: low/medium/high)" }, { "taskID": 225, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Oracle Query for Keyword Metrics Enhancement", "taskDescription": "This task refines and updates the basic keyword data by querying real-time sources (where possible) to retrieve more accurate or current metrics, such as monthly search volume, competition levels, CPC, and traffic potential.", "inputDescription": "Requires the raw keyword data generated from the previous task, including each niche’s keyword sets. The Oracle tool uses these existing keywords as input to gather more refined or recent metrics from authoritative data sources.", "inputRequired": [ "raw_keyword_data" ], "outputDescription": "Detailed and updated metrics for each of the listed keywords, appended with or replacing previously basic metrics to increase accuracy and context.", "outputName": "enhanced_keyword_metrics", "promptInstruction": "For the provided keyword sets, query current marketplace data to provide: • Updated monthly search volume • Current competition level • Estimated CPC (Cost Per Click) • Traffic potential score (1–10) Maintain the existing niche and keyword structure, updating these metrics in place." }, { "taskID": 226, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Keyword Data Organization and Formatting", "taskDescription": "Takes the raw or enhanced keyword data and organizes it into a clean, standardized format where each niche has a dedicated section, ensuring clarity in metrics presented for both primary and long-tail keywords.", "inputDescription": "Requires either raw or enhanced keyword data. Each entry should include the niche name and a listing of its primary keywords and long-tail keywords, with either updated or basic metrics clearly labeled.", "inputRequired": [ "raw_keyword_data", "enhanced_keyword_metrics" ], "outputDescription": "A finalized, neatly structured compilation of the keyword research data (labeled as 'keyword_research'), ready for final review or integration into a spreadsheet or report.", "outputName": "keyword_research", "promptInstruction": "Take the provided keyword data and metrics and format them into a clean, structured output. Each niche entry should display: 1) Niche name, 2) Primary keywords with metrics, 3) Long-tail keywords with metrics, 4) A short summary of overall niche metrics if applicable. Ensure consistent labeling and clear separation between niches." }, { "taskID": 301, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Gather Product Recommendations from Oracle", "taskDescription": "Use Oracle to gather a structured list of 3–5 top ClickBank products for each of the 20 niches, including relevant metrics and performance data.", "inputDescription": "This task requires two inputs: the ranked list of 20 niches from Subagent 1 ('ranked_niche_list') and user instructions (VARIABLE1) specifying minimum product criteria and desired metrics.", "inputRequired": [ "ranked_niche_list", "VARIABLE1" ], "outputDescription": "A raw structured list of top ClickBank products for each niche, incorporating gravity scores, average earnings, popularity, and other key performance indicators.", "outputName": "raw_product_data", "promptInstruction": "Using current ClickBank marketplace data, analyze the 20 niches. For each niche, provide 3–5 top products. For each product, include: name, description, gravity (>20), average earnings, popularity index, recurring potential, commission rate, sales page conversion rate, refund rate, category/subcategory, launch date, performance consistency. Prioritize consistent gravity >20, stable or growing earnings, professional sales pages, strong affiliate support, low refunds. Format results in a table with headers per niche. Add a short note for each product with any exceptional metrics or features that boost affiliate performance." }, { "taskID": 302, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Compile Final Product Recommendations", "taskDescription": "Organize the raw product data into the final 'product_recommendations' output, ensuring a clean, structured format suitable for further reporting and spreadsheet integration.", "inputDescription": "This task requires the 'raw_product_data' produced by the previous step.", "inputRequired": [ "raw_product_data" ], "outputDescription": "A fully structured list of recommended products for each niche, labeled and ready for final aggregation into a spreadsheet or summary report.", "outputName": "product_recommendations", "promptInstruction": "no instruction" }, { "taskID": 2231, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Initial Data Aggregation and Spreadsheet Formatting", "taskDescription": "Combines and formats the input data from previous subagents (ranked_niche_list, keyword_research, product_recommendations) into a structured spreadsheet with defined columns for niches, keywords, products, and related metrics.", "inputDescription": "Requires the outputs from Subagents 1–3: ranked_niche_list, keyword_research, and product_recommendations. These provide details on the top 20 niches, their keywords, and recommended high-profit products with associated metrics.", "inputRequired": [ "ranked_niche_list", "keyword_research", "product_recommendations" ], "outputDescription": "A CSV-structured dataset containing columns for niche rank/name, 3–5 primary keywords, 3–5 long-tail keywords, 3–5 top products, and any available performance metrics (gravity, earnings, search volume, competition).", "outputName": "formatted_spreadsheet_data", "promptInstruction": "Please format the following ClickBank niche research data into a comprehensive spreadsheet structure. Create distinct columns for: (1) Niche Rank & Name, (2) Primary Keywords (3-5 per niche), (3) Long-tail Keywords (3-5 per niche), (4) Top Products (3-5 per niche), and (5) Available Metrics (including gravity scores, competition levels, search volumes, and average earnings where available). Format the data in a CSV-compatible structure, with columns separated by commas and rows separated by line breaks. Ensure all data points from the niche list, keyword research, and product recommendations are properly organized and aligned with their respective niches. Include a header row with column names." }, { "taskID": 2232, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Summary Report Generation", "taskDescription": "Generates a comprehensive textual report based on the compiled and formatted ClickBank niche data, emphasizing top niches, competition levels, ROI potential, and strategic recommendations for future actions.", "inputDescription": "Requires the structured spreadsheet data from the previous task, which consolidates all research findings into one place (formatted_spreadsheet_data).", "inputRequired": [ "formatted_spreadsheet_data" ], "outputDescription": "A text-based summary report detailing the most promising niches, their associated metrics, competitive landscape, earnings potential, and recommended marketing strategies (approximately 1000 words).", "outputName": "summary_report_text", "promptInstruction": "Based on the compiled ClickBank niche research data, generate a detailed summary report with the following sections: (1) Executive Summary - Overview of the top 3-5 most promising niches identified, (2) Niche Analysis - Detailed breakdown of why these niches show the most potential, including metrics analysis, (3) Competition Assessment - Analysis of competition levels and market saturation for the recommended niches, (4) ROI Potential - Discussion of potential return on investment, including average earnings and traffic costs, (5) Strategic Recommendations - Specific actionable steps for entering these niches, including keyword targeting and product promotion strategies. Keep the tone professional and data-driven, supporting all conclusions with specific metrics from the research. Limit the report to approximately 1000 words." } ]
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