Retro 3D Posters to Print Cash
- Step 4
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Retro 3D Posters to Print Cash - Confirm & Copy Final Agent Code
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[ { "taskID": 216, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Deep Research of Retro 3D Anaglyph Style", "taskDescription": "Conduct comprehensive research on retro 3D anaglyph poster style, exploring historical context, design principles, color usage, and visual elements to produce a 1000-3000 character analysis.", "inputDescription": "Requires a text string (VARIABLE1) that defines what to research in depth.", "inputRequired": ["VARIABLE1"], "outputDescription": "A 1000-3000 character summary detailing the retro 3D anaglyph poster style.", "outputName": "deep_research_output", "promptInstruction": "You are an expert in visual design history and techniques. Please provide a comprehensive analysis of retro 3D anaglyph poster design, including: 1) Historical context and origins, 2) Key design principles and techniques, 3) Typical color palettes and their significance, 4) Common visual elements and motifs, 5) Technical requirements for creating the effect, and 6) Contemporary applications and popularity. Focus specifically on how these elements are used in poster design." }, { "taskID": 190, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Condense Research into Style Summary", "taskDescription": "Transform the detailed research into a concise 300-500 character summary that highlights the core elements of retro 3D anaglyph design.", "inputDescription": "Requires the comprehensive research text produced by task #216 (deep_research_output).", "inputRequired": ["deep_research_output"], "outputDescription": "A concise style summary (300-500 characters) capturing the essence of retro 3D anaglyph poster design.", "outputName": "style_summary_output", "promptInstruction": "Condense the following detailed research about retro 3D anaglyph poster design into a concise 300-500 character summary. Focus on the most essential elements that would be crucial for creating new designs in this style. Include key visual characteristics, color requirements, and typical themes or motifs." }, { "taskID": 187, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Reference Image Collection via Brave Search", "taskDescription": "Search for and compile three representative reference images that illustrate the retro 3D anaglyph poster style.", "inputDescription": "Requires a keyword or phrase (VARIABLE1) for the Brave Search request.", "inputRequired": ["VARIABLE1"], "outputDescription": "Three image URLs showcasing various aspects of retro 3D anaglyph design.", "outputName": "reference_images_output", "promptInstruction": "no instruction" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Consolidate Summary and References", "taskDescription": "Combine the condensed style summary and the three reference image URLs into one structured JSON output.", "inputDescription": "Requires the style summary (style_summary_output) and reference URLs (reference_images_output).", "inputRequired": ["style_summary_output", "reference_images_output"], "outputDescription": "A single JSON object containing the short style summary and reference image URLs.", "outputName": "concept_and_inspiration_output", "promptInstruction": "Create a JSON structure that combines the following style summary and reference image URLs. The JSON should have two main keys: 'style_summary' (containing the condensed research text) and 'reference_images' (an array of the three URLs). Format the output as valid JSON with proper escaping of special characters." }, { "taskID": 222, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate Retro 3D Anaglyph Poster Images", "taskDescription": "This task uses the style references from concept_and_inspiration_output to create one or two retro 3D anaglyph poster images. The designs must incorporate red/cyan channels with a slight horizontal offset (3-5% of width) to achieve a convincing 3D effect while maintaining a vintage aesthetic.", "inputDescription": "Requires concept_and_inspiration_output, which provides a concise style summary and reference images describing the retro anaglyph look.", "inputRequired": ["concept_and_inspiration_output"], "outputDescription": "Generates one or two PNG image URLs of retro 3D anaglyph posters, featuring the vintage color palette and design details.", "outputName": "anaglyph_image_urls", "promptInstruction": "Using the style references from concept_and_inspiration_output, generate 1-2 retro 3D anaglyph poster images with a strong red/cyan offset (3-5% horizontal shift). Mimic a vintage aesthetic, ensuring crisp color channels for a true anaglyph effect when viewed with red/cyan 3D glasses. Aim for at least 2000×3000px resolution, PNG output, transparent background, and incorporate any elements that evoke 1950s-1970s design." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Consolidate Generated Image URLs into Structured Format", "taskDescription": "This task gathers the URLs from the previous task (#222) and merges them into a single structured text output (e.g., JSON or list) so that subsequent tasks can easily reference the newly generated images.", "inputDescription": "Requires anaglyph_image_urls as an array or list of URLs.", "inputRequired": ["anaglyph_image_urls"], "outputDescription": "Returns a single JSON or list with references to all generated anaglyph image URLs, standardizing the output for future steps.", "outputName": "anaglyph_designs_output", "promptInstruction": "no instruction" }, { "taskID": 191, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Resize images for standard 18×24 inch prints at 300 DPI", "taskDescription": "This task uses advanced image processing to transform the input images into 5400×7200 px at 300 DPI, ensuring they meet standard 18×24 inch print specs while maintaining quality.", "inputDescription": "Requires one or more original PNG image URLs from anaglyph_designs_output. Each image is resized to 5400×7200 px at 300 DPI.", "inputRequired": ["anaglyph_designs_output"], "outputDescription": "Produces one or more resized PNG image URLs, meeting the 5400×7200 px, 300 DPI standard.", "outputName": "resized_image_urls", "promptInstruction": "no instruction" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate JSON array of print-ready image URLs", "taskDescription": "Create a structured JSON array containing all resized image URLs, paired with the dimensions property set to '5400x7200'.", "inputDescription": "Consumes resized_image_urls from task #191. References each URL along with its specified dimensions.", "inputRequired": ["resized_image_urls"], "outputDescription": "Outputs the final print-ready images in JSON format (URLs + dimension metadata).", "outputName": "print_ready_images_output", "promptInstruction": "Please create a JSON array containing the following print-ready image URLs. Each object in the array should have two properties: \"url\" (the image URL) and \"dimensions\" (set to \"5400x7200\"). Format the output as valid JSON with proper escaping of special characters." }, { "taskID": 190, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate SEO-Optimized Listing Content for Retro 3D Anaglyph Poster", "taskDescription": "Create a short, SEO-friendly title, a 1-2 sentence product description, and up to 5 relevant tags emphasizing the retro 3D anaglyph appeal. The output is returned as a structured text block.", "inputDescription": "Requires a text prompt describing the retro 3D anaglyph poster's style and appeal (VARIABLE1).", "inputRequired": ["VARIABLE1"], "outputDescription": "A structured text block with an SEO-friendly title (under 60 chars), a brief description, and up to 5 tags for a retro 3D anaglyph poster listing.", "outputName": "seo_content_output", "promptInstruction": "Prompt: You are a marketplace listing optimization expert. Generate an SEO-optimized listing for a retro 3D anaglyph poster. Include 1) A compelling title (max 60 chars) with 'Retro 3D Anaglyph' 2) A 1-2 sentence description of the vintage aesthetic 3) 5 relevant tags. Focus on terms for retro art and 3D enthusiasts. Emphasize nostalgic, artistic value." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Compile and Format Listing Data for Marketplace", "taskDescription": "Merge the SEO content with the print-ready image URLs into a CSV or JSON containing title, description, tags, image URLs, price, category, and subcategory.", "inputDescription": "Requires seo_content_output and print_ready_images_output. Merges them into a single data structure for direct marketplace upload.", "inputRequired": ["seo_content_output", "print_ready_images_output"], "outputDescription": "A CSV or JSON snippet with listing's title, description, tags, image URLs, price, category, subcategory.", "outputName": "listing_metadata_output", "promptInstruction": "Prompt: Merge the SEO content and image URLs into a valid CSV row or JSON object with these fields: title, description, tags, image_urls, price (29.99), category (Wall Art), subcategory (Posters). Ensure proper syntax for direct marketplace upload." } ]
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