YouTube Vocal and BPM Extractor
- Step 4
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YouTube Vocal and BPM Extractor - Confirm & Copy Final Agent Code
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[ { "taskID": 193, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Download Entire YouTube Video As MP3", "taskDescription": "This task takes a YouTube URL, extracts the audio track from the video, converts it to MP3 format, and provides a direct URL to the newly created MP3 file.", "inputDescription": "One input - the YouTube URL that will be used to extract the audio. The URL must be valid so that the skill can perform the download and conversion successfully.", "inputRequired": ["VARIABLE1"], "outputDescription": "The direct MP3 file URL created from the YouTube video's audio track.", "outputName": "youtube_mp3_file", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 197, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Separate YouTube MP3 into Vocal & Instrumental Audio Tracks", "taskDescription": "This task takes the MP3 file from the previous subagent, processes it with advanced source separation algorithms to isolate vocal elements and instrumental background into distinct audio stems.", "inputDescription": "The input is the MP3 file URL from Subagent 1's output. This file will be analyzed to extract the vocal track and the instrumental track. No additional parameters are required for this operation.", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file"], "outputDescription": "Each run of the source separation skill returns two separate MP3 URLs: one containing only the vocal elements, and the other containing the instrumental elements.", "outputName": "vocal_instrumental_stems", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 180, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Extract Beatpoints & Tempo from MP3 Audio", "taskDescription": "This task uses advanced signal processing algorithms to analyze an MP3 file, extracting beat positions and detecting the overall tempo of the audio track. It does not require large language model interactions.", "inputDescription": "This task requires a single input: the URL of the MP3 audio file obtained from the YouTube download step. The audio processing engine analyzes the signal to identify beatpoints, measure tempo, and generate a textual description of the track's rhythmic structure.", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file"], "outputDescription": "A textual summary of the MP3 file's rhythmic structure, showing beat positions, downbeats, and an overall tempo measurement in plain text format. This output will be used in the next task to parse the numeric BPM value.", "outputName": "tempo_analysis_text", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Parse BPM Value from Tempo Analysis Text with an LLM", "taskDescription": "This task takes the textual output from the tempo analysis step, which includes beat points and amplitude data, and uses a language model to parse out and return only the numeric BPM value. All other information is disregarded.", "inputDescription": "This task requires the textual breakdown generated from the previous step, which contains data on beatpoints and estimated tempo. The input is processed by a language model to extract only the essential BPM reading.", "inputRequired": ["tempo_analysis_text"], "outputDescription": "A single numeric BPM value, representing the primary tempo of the track. This value may be an integer or float, without any extra labels or text around it.", "outputName": "bpm_value", "promptInstruction": "You are a music analysis expert. I will provide you with a detailed tempo analysis text. Your task is to extract ONLY the BPM (beats per minute) value from this analysis. Return ONLY the numeric value, with no additional text or explanation. If the BPM appears as a range, return the average. If multiple BPM values are detected, return the most prominent one. Examples of valid responses: '128' or '96.5'. Do not include 'BPM' or any other text in your response. Input: [Previous tempo analysis text]" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate Structured JSON Audio Processing Summary", "taskDescription": "Uses an LLM to combine the original MP3 URL, the separated instrumental and vocal stems, and the BPM into one cohesive JSON summary object.", "inputDescription": "Requires three pieces of information: the original MP3 URL, the vocal/instrumental stem URLs, and the numerical BPM value obtained from prior tasks or subagents.", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file", "vocal_instrumental_stems", "bpm_value"], "outputDescription": "A single JSON-formatted text string that consolidates all audio data, including the original MP3 reference, the separated stems, and the BPM value, returned as a single prompt response.", "outputName": "youtube_song_summary", "promptInstruction": "You are an audio processing summary agent. Your task is to create a structured JSON response with the following data: 1) The original MP3 file URL (provided as youtube_mp3_file), 2) The separated stem URLs (provided as vocal_instrumental_stems), 3) The BPM value (provided as bpm_value). Return a JSON object in the format: { \"original_audio_url\":
, \"instrumental_audio_url\":
, \"vocal_audio_url\":
, \"bpm\":
}. Ensure URL formatting is correct and the BPM is numeric. Return only the JSON object." }, { "taskID": 193, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Download YouTube video as MP3", "taskDescription": "Converts a provided YouTube URL into an MP3 file using an automated process, returning a direct link or file reference to the downloaded audio.", "inputDescription": "One input: The YouTube URL (VARIABLE1) that should be converted into an MP3 file.", "inputRequired": ["VARIABLE1"], "outputDescription": "A direct link or reference to the MP3 file extracted from the YouTube video.", "outputName": "youtube_mp3_file_2", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 197, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Separate MP3 into vocal and instrumental", "taskDescription": "Splits an MP3 file into two stems containing only the vocal track and only the instrumental track, respectively.", "inputDescription": "One input: The previously generated MP3 file from the YouTube video (youtube_mp3_file_2).", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file_2"], "outputDescription": "Two MP3 files: one containing the vocal stem and the other containing the instrumental stem.", "outputName": "vocal_instrumental_stems_2", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 180, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Calculate BPM of the original MP3", "taskDescription": "Uses an audio analysis algorithm to detect the tempo or BPM (beats per minute) of the MP3 file derived from the YouTube URL.", "inputDescription": "One input: The MP3 file obtained from the YouTube link (youtube_mp3_file_2).", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file_2"], "outputDescription": "A numeric value representing the track’s beats per minute (BPM), typically used in music production or analysis.", "outputName": "bpm_value_2", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate a user-friendly summary of results", "taskDescription": "Calls an LLM to produce a text statement that summarizes the original MP3, the extracted stems, and the BPM value.", "inputDescription": "Three inputs: The original MP3 file URL (youtube_mp3_file_2), the separated stems (vocal_instrumental_stems_2), and the BPM value (bpm_value_2).", "inputRequired": ["youtube_mp3_file_2", "vocal_instrumental_stems_2", "bpm_value_2"], "outputDescription": "A single textual summary that references the original MP3, the separated vocal and instrumental files, and the calculated BPM.", "outputName": "agent_summary", "promptInstruction": "Generate a response that includes the following information in a clear, organized format: 1) Link to the original downloaded MP3 from YouTube, 2) Links to both the separated instrumental and vocal MP3 files, 3) The calculated BPM of the track. Format this as a friendly response that explains what each file is and how to use them. Include any relevant warnings about file expiration if applicable. Make sure all URLs are properly formatted and accessible." } ]
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