Shepherd Site AI Guide
- Step 4
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Shepherd Site AI Guide - Confirm & Copy Final Agent Code
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[ { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate WordPress Plugin with Header, Enqueue Scripts, and Chatbot Container", "taskDescription": "This task uses a powerful language model to create a fully functional plugin.php file for a custom WordPress chatbot plugin, including a valid plugin header, secure file access check, script/style enqueues, and a container for the chatbot, either added to the footer or via shortcode.", "inputDescription": "This task requires the user to supply plugin details in three variables: VARIABLE1 for plugin name and version, VARIABLE2 for author and description, and VARIABLE3 for the JavaScript, CSS, config JSON paths, plus the integration method.", "inputRequired": [ "VARIABLE1", "VARIABLE2", "VARIABLE3" ], "outputDescription": "Produces a single text string containing the entire plugin.php code, ready to be saved in a WordPress plugin folder. This includes the plugin header, secure access check, functions to enqueue scripts and styles, and logic for displaying the chatbot container.", "outputName": "plugin_php", "promptInstruction": "You are a WordPress plugin developer expert. Create a complete plugin.php file for a chatbot plugin with the following requirements: Include a valid plugin header with name, version, author, and description. Prevent direct file access, check for WordPress environment, enqueue chatbot-js and chatbot-css, and reference config-json for chatbot data. Implement either an automatic footer hook or a [shepherd_chatbot] shortcode to display the chatbot container with an icon. Follow WordPress best practices, include comments, and handle uninstallation cleanup." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate Chatbot JS Feature Requirements Prompt", "taskDescription": "Creates a comprehensive prompt template that defines all required chatbot.js functionality, including UI elements, event handling, API integration, and data management, turning user-supplied details into a single prompt used for generating code.", "inputDescription": "Four inputs are used: chatbot_requirements, ui_specifications, api_integration_details, and config_json_structure. These define the desired features, UI layout, integration details, and reference data needed by the chatbot, forming the basis for the prompt.", "inputRequired": [ "chatbot_requirements", "ui_specifications", "api_integration_details", "config_json_structure" ], "outputDescription": "A single string containing the final prompt text to be used in the next step for generating the chatbot.js code.", "outputName": "chatbot_js_prompt", "promptInstruction": "Create a detailed prompt template that will be used to generate JavaScript code for a WordPress chatbot. The template should specify requirements for: 1) Creating and appending HTML elements for a chat interface including a toggle button with German Shepherd icon, message container, input field, and send button, 2) Functions for opening/closing the chat window with smooth animations, 3) Event handlers for capturing user input and sending messages, 4) Integration points with a config.json file containing site content and shepherd breed information, 5) Placeholder API endpoints for potential AI integration, 6) Message display formatting and chat history management, 7) Error handling and fallback responses, 8) Basic responsive design considerations for mobile devices." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "JavaScript Chatbot Code Generation", "taskDescription": "Takes the prompt from the previous task and produces a functional JavaScript chatbot file featuring UI creation, event handlers, AI integration placeholders, message formatting, error handling, and responsiveness.", "inputDescription": "Three inputs are used: chatbot_js_prompt, config_json, and api_endpoint_placeholders. The prompt is used to guide code generation, while config_json and api_endpoint_placeholders inform how to retrieve external data or AI responses.", "inputRequired": [ "chatbot_js_prompt", "config_json", "api_endpoint_placeholders" ], "outputDescription": "A fully-formed JavaScript file implementing the specified functionalities for the WordPress chatbot.", "outputName": "chatbot_js_code", "promptInstruction": "Generate a complete JavaScript file implementing a WordPress chatbot with the following specifications: 1) Create a class-based structure for the chatbot widget, 2) Initialize by creating required DOM elements and attaching event listeners, 3) Implement methods for toggling chat visibility with animations, 4) Add functions for processing user input and generating responses by either querying an AI endpoint or searching config.json data, 5) Include methods for displaying messages with proper formatting and timestamps, 6) Implement error handling for failed API calls or missing data, 7) Add responsive design handling for mobile devices, 8) Include detailed comments explaining each major component, 9) Ensure compatibility with WordPress environment and modern browsers." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Format and Validate JavaScript Output", "taskDescription": "Uses the JavaScript code from the second task, performs formatting, style enforcement, documentation, error handling checks, licensing clarifications, and final structural validations to produce a polished chatbot.js.", "inputDescription": "Three inputs are used: chatbot_js_code from the previous step, code_formatting_rules for styling guidelines, and documentation_requirements for commentary and thorough instructions on usage and integration.", "inputRequired": [ "chatbot_js_code", "code_formatting_rules", "documentation_requirements" ], "outputDescription": "A finalized chatbot.js file with consistent style, thorough documentation, validated references, and usage instructions, ready for deployment in a WordPress environment.", "outputName": "final_chatbot_js", "promptInstruction": "Take the generated JavaScript code and perform the following: 1) Format according to standard JavaScript style guidelines with consistent indentation and spacing, 2) Add comprehensive JSDoc comments for all classes, methods, and significant code blocks, 3) Validate all variable and function names follow consistent naming conventions, 4) Ensure proper error handling and logging is implemented throughout, 5) Add version information and author details in file header, 6) Include usage instructions in comments, 7) Validate all dependencies are properly referenced, 8) Ensure all WordPress-specific integrations are properly documented, 9) Add any necessary license information, 10) Include examples of expected config.json structure in comments." }, { "taskID": 501, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Receive Chatbot Styling Specifications", "taskDescription": "Collects and organizes the styling requirements for the chatbot (color scheme, fonts, animations, responsiveness, layout). This task ensures that all specifications are clearly defined before generating the CSS.", "inputDescription": "No direct inputs from previous tasks; specifications are provided by the user or main workflow.", "inputRequired": [], "outputDescription": "A structured set of styling requirements, including key details about layout, color, animations, and responsive needs for the chatbot.", "outputName": "chatbot_styling_specs", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Generate Production-Ready Chatbot CSS Stylesheet", "taskDescription": "Uses a large language model to convert the collected styling requirements into a complete, minification-ready CSS file for the chatbot widget.", "inputDescription": "Requires the structured styling specs containing dimensions, color schemes, font choices, animations, and responsive details from the previous task.", "inputRequired": [ "chatbot_styling_specs" ], "outputDescription": "A fully commented, production-ready CSS file implementing all necessary styles for the chatbot (chat button, window, messages, transitions, responsive behavior).", "outputName": "chatbot_css", "promptInstruction": "Generate a complete, production-ready CSS for a WordPress chatbot widget. Include: • Floating chat button at bottom-right (circular icon, transitions). • Modern, rounded chat window with header, scrollable messages, and fixed input area. • Distinct user/bot message styles. • Responsive design for mobile (full-screen). • Smooth animations for open/close and hover. Use .shepherd-chat- prefixes and CSS custom properties. Provide minimal, clean code with comments." }, { "taskID": 182, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Use DALLE to Create Minimal German Shepherd Icon", "taskDescription": "This task calls skill #182 to produce a crisp, minimal, friendly German Shepherd dog head icon with a transparent background, ideally 1024x1024, using DALLE image generation. This icon will be used as a chat widget graphic.", "inputDescription": "This task requires a descriptive text prompt that outlines the style, subject, mood, and technical requirements for generating the German Shepherd dog icon. The prompt must mention a transparent background and a minimal, friendly silhouette design suitable for a website chat widget.", "inputRequired": [ "icon_prompt_text" ], "outputDescription": "A 1024×1024 PNG image URL with a transparent background featuring a minimal German Shepherd dog head silhouette, ready for optional resizing or immediate deployment as a chat widget icon.", "outputName": "dalle_icon_url", "promptInstruction": "Create a minimalist icon of a friendly German Shepherd dog head in silhouette style. The design should be clean and simple, using bold shapes and clear lines. The icon should show the dog facing slightly to the side, capturing the distinctive pointed ears and noble profile of a German Shepherd. Use a transparent background. The style should be professional and appropriate for a website chat widget, avoiding any cartoonish or overly detailed elements. The expression should be alert but approachable." }, { "taskID": 191, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Resize the German Shepherd Icon for Chat Widget", "taskDescription": "This task calls skill #191 to resize the 1024x1024 PNG icon produced by DALLE to desired final dimensions, ensuring the resulting image remains crisp, transparent, and optimized for web usage in the chatbot plugin.", "inputDescription": "Takes in the previously generated PNG URL (dalle_icon_url) and the target width and height in pixels to generate a smaller, web-optimized PNG icon while maintaining transparency and image quality.", "inputRequired": [ "dalle_icon_url", "target_width", "target_height" ], "outputDescription": "The output is a resized PNG image URL that retains the minimal German Shepherd silhouette, transparency, and clarity, but at the specified final dimensions for the chat widget icon.", "outputName": "final_icon_url", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 216, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Deep Research of and Shepherd Breeds", "taskDescription": "This task thoroughly gathers website content from and detailed breed information for German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Australian Shepherd, etc., producing a structured summary for further use.", "inputDescription": "Takes the domain_name '' and a list of shepherd dog breeds to research. The task involves collecting site-specific topics and pages, along with detailed breed facts (history, temperament, characteristics).", "inputRequired": [ "domain_name", "breed_list" ], "outputDescription": "A comprehensive research summary containing the main themes, key articles, and site structure of, as well as notable facts about each specified shepherd breed.", "outputName": "research_summary_text", "promptInstruction": "Conduct thorough research on main topics, key articles, site structure, unique content. Also research German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Australian Shepherd, and other shepherd breeds: history, physical traits, temperament, roles, health considerations, and notable facts. Provide a structured summary." }, { "taskID": 223, "semanticTitleOfTask": "JSON Configuration File Generation", "taskDescription": "This task uses the research summary from Task #216 to generate a structured config.json file. The file includes references to site content, breed-specific data, and placeholders for AI configuration settings.", "inputDescription": "Requires the research summary produced by Task #216. The summary is transformed into a valid JSON structure containing site pages, topics, breed information, and a configuration section for API usage.", "inputRequired": [ "research_summary_text" ], "outputDescription": "A properly formatted config.json text, containing siteContent, breedInformation, and configuration placeholders (apiKey, endpoint, model).", "outputName": "config_json", "promptInstruction": "Using the provided research summary, craft a valid JSON file with \"siteContent\", \"breedInformation\", and \"configuration\" sections. Capture site pages, main topics, and breed details (facts, traits, history, trivia). Include placeholders \"apiKey\", \"endpoint\", and \"model.\" Ensure properly formatted JSON." }, { "taskID": 601, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Gather references for plugin packaging from preceding subagents", "taskDescription": "This task receives the references to plugin.php, chatbot.js, chatbot.css, shepherd-icon.png, and config.json from earlier subagents, consolidating them into a single array of file references to be passed to the packaging skill.", "inputDescription": "The references (file content or file paths) to the plugin files generated by the other subagents, including plugin.php, final_chatbot_js, chatbot_css, final_icon_url, and config_json. These references are provided via the respective output tokens from previous tasks.", "inputRequired": [ "plugin_php", "final_chatbot_js", "chatbot_css", "final_icon_url", "config_json" ], "outputDescription": "This task produces a structured array that collects all file references required for packaging.", "outputName": "packager_file_references", "promptInstruction": "" }, { "taskID": 602, "semanticTitleOfTask": "Use skill #300 to create ZIP archive containing plugin files", "taskDescription": "This task uses the newly proposed skill #300 to gather all the provided file references, create a proper WordPress plugin directory structure, then generate a compressed ZIP archive that includes plugin.php, chatbot.js, chatbot.css, shepherd-icon.png, and config.json.", "inputDescription": "It requires the consolidated references to all plugin files from the preceding task, which includes plugin.php, final_chatbot_js, chatbot_css, final_icon_url, and config.json. These references may be file paths or direct file content.", "inputRequired": [ "packager_file_references" ], "outputDescription": "A single compressed ZIP file ( containing the WordPress plugin structure and all required files for easy installation or distribution. The ZIP is built to WordPress plugin standards.", "outputName": "chatbot_plugin_zip", "promptInstruction": "" } ]
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