Shepherd Digest Chat Assistant
chatbot for my website
SUBAGENT 1: "Chat UI Builder" • Purpose: Produce the front-end code (HTML, CSS, JS) that renders the chatbot widget on, handles user inputs, and displays responses. • Skills Used: – #223 (Powerful LLM Prompt-to-Text Response) • Will generate the necessary HTML, CSS, and front-end JS based on instructions for layout, branding, and interaction flow. SUBAGENT FINAL OUTPUT: [chat-ui-code]
graph TD A[Chat UI Builder Start] --> B[Receive Input Requirements] B --> C[Layout Guidelines] B --> D[Brand Guidelines] B --> E[Interaction Flow Specs] C --> F[Process Requirements] D --> F E --> F F --> G[Generate Code via Skill #223] G --> H[Create HTML Structure] G --> I[Generate CSS Styling] G --> J[Build JavaScript Logic] H --> K[Widget Container] H --> L[Chat Messages Area] H --> M[Input Field] I --> N[Apply Brand Colors] I --> O[Set Font Styles] I --> P[Define Animations] J --> Q[Toggle Functions] J --> R[Input Handlers] J --> S[Message Display Logic] K --> T[Combine Components] L --> T M --> T N --> T O --> T P --> T Q --> T R --> T S --> T T --> U[Output Final UI Code] U --> V[Chat UI Builder End]