Sample pack from YT video

I want to input a youtube video, then get a collection of music samples returned to me (.wav files in a zip). I think I should specify 3 specific times (eg 5 seconds, 130 seconds, 190 seconds, and then the agent rip the audio file from YouTube, then extract stems (instrumentals, vocals), and then extract (say) 16 beats worth of audio - beginning from the 3 timings I've entered. This gives us 3x separate audio sections to sample, and if we then separate them into vocals and instrumentals that then gives us 6x separate audio files to sample from (although we will use the initial tempo/beatpoint for all 6). Next we will want to use the beatpoint and tempo to extract samples (eg 1/2/4/8 beat in lengths, beginning from the beatpoints). So we chopup the samples eg using SOX, perhaps chopping based on beat length (if BPM = 90bpm, then 1 beat is 0.66secs) and beat position, and chopping maybe a mix of 1/2/4/8 beat samples. Finally we will want to save all the files to a server and zip them up.

First, pre-entered info...




Then, agent response...



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