I want to input a youtube video, then get a collection of music samples returned to me (.wav files in a zip). I think we need to rip the audio file from YouTube, then extract stems (instrumentals, vocals), and then get the beatpoints/tempo. Then we need to chop up samples from vocals and beatpoints. I think with this approach we can practically extract as many audio samples as we want, but we may get too many. Therefore, we may want to only focus on the key parts of the song (which are likely to give the best samples), namely the initial song buildup and the chorus. We should be able to visually "see" these on a spectrograph (the quietest and loudest parts of the song). So I think we should begin by ripping the song, then immediately running the spectrograph, then select 3 sections of the song - perhaps around 16 beats in length - one that is the initial song buildup (basically the first 16 beats of the song), then one that is the hook/chorus of the song (the loudest part), and then one that is the end of the song (the final 16 beats). Doing this separately for the vocal and instrumental stems will give us 6 total audio files to do this with. Then we want to chopup the samples using SOX, perhaps chopping based on beat length (if BPM = 90bpm, then 1 beat is 0.66secs) and beat position, and chopping maybe a mix of 1/2/4/8 beat samples. This may still generate too many samples, so perhaps there is a way to filter down, but I will let you think about that. Finally we will want to save all the files to a server and zip them up.
claude 3 - extract final output
extract component outputs
Claude - research-ideas-and-input-variables
GPT - research-ideas-and-input-variables
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