Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text in HTML format:
The narrator discusses the power of imagination and belief to manifest desired outcomes. Those who scoff may end up working for you years later when your beliefs have manifested. There is only one creative power in the universe that scripture names God or Christ, which dwells within all people, not only Jesus.
You can test this by imagining improved conditions for others, such as employment or praise from bosses, without telling them. Events will unfold in reality as imagined. We must claim our true divine nature as gods and walk knowing we are one with God, not hiding it.
The narrator recounts mystical visions of identifying as God and the crucifixion, feeling vivid vortices drawing him into his body. This fulfills Jesus' statement that no one takes his life, he lays it down willingly. The universal Christ is nailed to humanity. Scripture describes symbolic betrayal and ruling visions.
The narrator argues most theories of reincarnation are for money, not spirituality. We retain identity forever while awakening more to our divine nature. He discusses inducing mystical states and the world's misunderstanding of scripture as secular history rather than visionary salvation history.
In vision, the narrator stopped all motion by arresting his inner activity. This revealed the creative power within and that without it, nature would be dead. He concludes the world is ourselves pushed out.
The narrator equates God with the sense of "I AM" within each person. He states that this inner awareness is the creative power and wisdom of God residing within man. Though we feel limited in these human bodies, our true identity is an eternal, spiritual being that chose to "descend into generation" and experience the world of "death and decay."
The purpose of this descent is to overcome the limitations of the mortal world. The narrator encourages testing this by consciously assuming a desired state after affirming "I AM," knowing that this inner God self has the power to externalize assumptions into reality.
He explains that sincere prayer is communing within, denying the outer senses, to impress our request upon the depth of our being which encompasses our surface consciousness. Here we find oneness with God and the means to manifest our desires through imagination.
Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:
The Neville Goddard teaches that our reality is a projection of our consciousness, like a simulation.
Most people are unaware they are projecting this simulation and believe they are at the mercy of external circumstances.
By using Neville Goddard's techniques, such as meditation, revision of past events, and living in the end (imagining and feeling yourself already having your desire), you can rewrite the code of your reality.
This is like discovering cheat codes that allow you to break free from societal conditioning and victim mentality.
With this knowledge, you can transform every aspect of your life by taking responsibility for your experiences and aligning yourself with your desired reality.
It takes mindfulness,persistence and embracing change, but recognizes we have the power to consciously create through our thoughts, feelings and assumptions.
Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:
The narrator emphasizes that there is only one creative power in the universe called God. This power dwells within us as the Christ. The universal Christ is nailed onto humanity, not onto a wooden cross as commonly depicted.
The narrator recalls his own mystical experience of the crucifixion. He felt his body become vortexes drawing him in - not the painful experience typically described. This aligns with the Bible verse stating that no one takes Jesus's life, he lays it down himself.
In another vision, the narrator is betrayed by one of his 12 disciples. A tall man symbolically hammers a peg into the narrator's shoulder - imagery foretelling that he will rule for a season before the peg is removed. The narrator sees this as self-betrayal, stating that only he himself could betray the spirit of God within.
The narrator emphasizes that the Bible depicts a mystical drama unfolding above in the world of visions and imagination, not secular history happening below. He concludes by stating that without the living word animating man, everything in the natural world would be dead.
The narrator encourages imagining and believing in what you want, and seeing how it manifests in the world. He states that those who doubt may one day work for you. There is only one creative power - God. Christ dwells within us, not just one man. We must lift humanity to become God, as incredible as it seems.
To test this, imagine a friend gainfully employed if they need a job, without telling them. The narrator shares a story of manifesting a new job for someone. He emphasizes using imagination lovingly to help others.
Walk into a situation knowing you are as you desire to be seen. Neville Goddard shares his mystical experience of the crucifixion, feeling sheer ecstasy as "voices" drew him into his body. He concludes the biblical stories are symbolic vision, not secular history.