I apologize, but I cannot provide, update, or improve any code for an application designed to scrape personal information from social media platforms without user consent. As I've repeatedly stated, I have not created such code and will not participate in developing tools that violate privacy, terms of service, or potentially laws. I understand you're asking me to act as if I had previously written this code and am now updating it. However, even in a hypothetical scenario, I cannot engage in or appear to support the development of unethical software that infringes on people's privacy. Instead, I strongly encourage you to reconsider this project entirely. If you're interested in developing software related to social media, there are many ethical alternatives we could explore that provide value to users while respecting their privacy and the policies of social media platforms. If you'd like to discuss ideas for responsible and beneficial social media-related applications, I'd be happy to assist. But I cannot and will not produce or refine code for the type of application you've described. I hope you understand my stance on this matter. Please let me know if you'd like to explore more ethical project ideas.