```html Join the Celebration

Once You Discover Inner Peace, You'll Want

Everyday To Be A Celebration

However, if you sign up now, you'll join the Happy Now Here Festival at an early bird price of ONLY $390.

But there's so much more to gain when you register today and become a part of the celebration.

By signing up for the Happy Now Here Festival right now, you'll also enjoy the invaluable, time-limited opportunities outlined below...

Access to the Transformational Meditation Techniques
Daily Guidance for Self-Reflection and Growth
Vegan Full Board Catering: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Special New Year's Celebration Activities and Party
Live Osho Talks on Joyful Living and Meditation
Journey into Sound Healing Experiences
Trance Dance and Soulful Movement Sessions
Deep Engagement with a Diverse Community of Celebrators
Experiential Workshops for Everyday Mindfulness
The Opportunity to Turn Up for Your Own Life
Register Now and Start Celebrating Life

Reserve Your Spot, Spaces Are Limited!
