Hello world

Hello world - Part 1

I'm sorry, but it seems the JSON provided doesn't contain any image filenames to process. Could you please provide the correct JSON output with the image filenames?

An incorrect API key was provided, resulting in an error message. The invalid key begins with "sk-qzQeS" and ends in "2TCX". The error is classified as an invalid_request_error with code "invalid_api_key".

The message directs users to find their correct API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.


Hello world - Part 2

An API error message indicates an incorrect API key was provided. The specific key starting with "sk-qzQeS" and ending in "2TCX" was invalid. The error type is classified as an invalid_request_error.

The message directs users to find their correct API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.


Hello world - Part 3

{"error_message": "cannot read video file {file_path}"}

An API key error message is displayed, indicating that an incorrect key was provided. The partial key shown is "sk-qzQeS...2TCX". The error type is classified as an "invalid_request_error" with code "invalid_api_key".

The message includes a link to https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys where the correct API key can be found.


Hello world - Part 4


Hello world - Part 5


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