12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations

12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations - Part 1

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

The narrator recommends several strategies for getting high-quality videos from creators, including:

- Pay them a monthly retainer fee plus affiliate commissions so they are motivated to sell products in the videos

- Have creator-focused channels instead of branded channels, as people connect more with individuals

- Hire creators knowledgeable about the industry who can speak proper English, show their face, and have an energetic salesperson personality

- Give creators access to test products so they understand what they're selling

- Add a dedicated thumbnail editor to make videos look more professional


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations - Part 2

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

Tracking sales from organic sources like social media is very important but more difficult than tracking sales from ads. With ads, platforms have built-in tracking. With organic, you must set up tracking yourself.

The key to organic tracking is using UTM tags in links. These tags allow you to see which links brought users to your site. You can track UTM tags in Google Analytics or a custom dashboard.

It's also helpful to track the referrer, the previous site the user was on before clicking to yours. This gives more context about the user's journey.

Have users answer questions upon signup about where they came from and how they found you. This ties holes in tracking and provides more context.

Analyze tracking data to see which platforms convert best. Focus marketing efforts on better converting platforms. Also tailor marketing if more of one customer type (e.g. solopreneurs) signs up.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations - Part 3

The narrator asks the audience what additional content they would like to see added to the course. He notes that he can create videos on any topics the audience is interested in learning more about. Specifically, he asks them to suggest areas where they have questions or want more details. The narrator says he is open to recording videos on any subjects the audience proposes, including diving deeper into certain topics, providing behind-the-scenes footage, or covering new areas. He reiterates that the audience should make requests for specific video content they want to see in the course.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations - Part 4

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

Google, Microsoft, and Amazon offer large startup grants to fund early-stage SaaS companies building on their platforms. By leveraging these grants, a SaaS startup could get upwards of $850,000 in free credits for cloud services.

The narrator explains the details of the grant programs from each company: Google offers up to $350,000, Microsoft offers up to $150,000, and Amazon AWS offers up to $300,000. These companies want to lock in startups to their platforms.

The narrator urges viewers to apply for these startup grants because it gives startups a longer financial runway to try to achieve success before having to spend their own limited capital. Even if the startup fails, the grants do not have to be paid back.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Hiring pt2 and Optimizations - Part 5

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text in simple HTML:

The narrator states that taking action is the most important thing, as consuming information without acting will not lead to success. They guarantee that consistently following their advice for 90 days will increase software sales revenue, though an actual guarantee cannot be made.

The key actions are: post one long-form (5+ minute) YouTube video daily; post one short-form video weekly; and syndicate one video creative to other platforms weekly. The narrator acknowledges these things are difficult and time consuming, but emphasizes persevering through the consistency, even if the initial videos are low quality.

After 90 days of daily practice and improvement, the skills for creating high-quality, optimized video content will be mastered. The narrator asserts that simply committing to these three consistent video actions for 90 days will generate more money from software sales, calling it the "secret to success."


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