12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10

12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10 - Part 1

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

The narrator recommends hiring someone else to make video thumbnails rather than doing them yourself. However, the narrator makes his own because he enjoys it and can do it faster than waiting 24 hours.

The most important part of a good thumbnail is making it incite curiosity so viewers feel compelled to click. Things like blurring out text, asking questions in the headline, or making controversial claims gets people to click out of a need to know more.

For example, a thumbnail the narrator made asking "How is he ranking #1 in seconds?" performed very well because at the time it was unheard of, so it made people very curious. A thumbnail about getting 200 articles an hour was also very popular when he first made it because it seemed unbelievable.

The key is to understand what makes people curious in your market and create thumbnails that make them feel they need to click rather than just wanting to click. This curiosity factor is more important than the face, colors, or other design elements.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10 - Part 2

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

The narrator ranked a "how to make a Wikipedia page" video #1 on YouTube by identifying a gap in the market and optimizing on-page and off-page factors. He focused on an engaging thumbnail, title, description, and jumping straight to the point in the first 15 seconds. He also used exact match anchor text when building links.

Key on-page optimizations include:

  • Keyword-optimized file names, titles, descriptions, captions, and spoken keywords
  • Correlated keywords sprinkled throughout descriptions
  • Add subtitles and location data
  • Include keywords in the first 15 seconds

For off-page SEO:

  • Embed videos on other sites
  • Buy engagement signals like likes, comments, and shares
  • Build links with exact match anchors

These technical factors are important, but creating an engaging, straight-to-the-point video is essential. Techniques like adding chapters and timestamps can improve viewer retention.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10 - Part 3

The narrator discusses methods for ranking videos highly on Google search, not just on YouTube. The key idea is to embed videos on optimized, high-authority "cloud" pages rather than just having them live on YouTube. Then, links and click-through rate manipulation can boost those cloud pages in rankings without harming your own site's reputation. Adding proper metadata like video schema markup is also important. The goal is occupying the highly visible video search result slots on Google itself, not just ranking for searches on YouTube.

Key points on implementation: - Embed videos on authoritative cloud pages, like from Amazon, Google, Microsoft - Fully optimize those pages for keywords, including metadata, titles, etc. - Add video schema markup to tell Google it is video content - Use aggressive linking techniques to boost the cloud pages in rankings - Optionally manipulate click-through rates as well - Have the videos live on YouTube too for visibility there - This occupies "high value real estate" - prominent video slots directly on Google search


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10 - Part 4

Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

The narrator explains how to optimize YouTube video descriptions to improve engagement and rankings. He stresses the importance of including four key elements:

1. A link to the product or offer being promoted. This convinces viewers to take action, although external links may reduce reach slightly.

2. A first-person description reiterating what the video covers. This provides context and allows you to incorporate relevant keywords.

3. Links to other related videos to encourage viewers to continue watching. This also builds authority as you link to quality internal resources.

4. Timestamps that break the video into sections. This enhances user experience and lets you include additional keywords that may appear in search results.

The narrator emphasizes optimizing video metadata just as thoroughly as the visual elements. An optimized description tells YouTube what the content covers and who it's relevant for.


12-Vasco-Saas-Marketing Free 6-10 - Part 5

The narrator explains how to optimize YouTube videos for better search engine rankings. The closer a video tab is to the left on Google search results, the more likely videos will rank for that keyword. Therefore, choose longer, more specific keywords like "how to change a light bulb" rather than just "light bulb".

For on-page optimization, use the exact keyword match in the video file name, description, and thumbnail file name. Geotag videos and embed them on relevant niche websites and Web 2.0 properties. Send social signals to the video link across platforms. Pay for average quality backlinks and guest posts linking to the video.

Additional tactics include click-through rate and watch time manipulation using services like YouLikeHits. Focus on creating high-quality videos as they build assets that continue generating views over time. Optimizing for users and not just search engines leads to better long-term rewards.


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