The narrator outlines 10 steps to create profitable Chrome extensions. These steps are:
1. Research: Learn about Chrome extension features and functionality. 2. Find niches: Identify good niches and explore niche networks. 3. Identify problems: Find issues that can be solved with Chrome extensions. 4. Generate ideas: Use seven strategies to uncover opportunities. 5. Build MVP: Create a bare-bones version of the extension. 6. Recruit beta testers: Gather insights and fine-tune the product. 7. Release MVP: Launch and promote using organic and paid methods. 8. Add features and stabilize: Iterate, build, test, and release regularly. 9. Scale user base: Use organic promotion, paid advertising, and partnerships. 10. Exit strategy: Enjoy passive income or sell the extension business.
The narrator emphasizes the importance of foundational work in steps 1 to 4. They advise against jumping straight into building an extension without proper research and idea validation. After completing the process for one successful extension, the method can be repeated for larger projects with higher income potential and larger exit targets.
The narrator mentions a bonus step of repeating steps 2 to 10 to develop bigger Chrome extensions. They also promise to provide a 30-day plan for reaching the initial MVP in the next lesson.