!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4 - Part 1

The JSON output you've provided does not contain any image files. It is actually an HTML page displaying a "504 Gateway Time-out" error message. There are no image filenames listed that I can insert into the desired web template. If you can provide the correct JSON output with the list of image filenames, I can assist you further.
Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text:

The narrator outlines a 10-step program for creating profitable Chrome extensions:

1. Research Chrome extensions - learn features, functionality, and niche opportunities.

2. Find profitable niches - learn criteria for good niches and explore your network.

3. Identify painful problems to solve.

4. Generate extension ideas - use 7 specific strategies.

5. Build a minimum viable product (MVP).

The narrator emphasizes learning the Chrome extension architecture and components.

.!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4 - Part 2

The JSON output provided indicates an error message and does not contain any information about thumbnail images. Without any image filenames listed in the JSON data, I am unable to generate the required image code. Please provide the correct JSON output that contains the list of images.
Here is a condensed summary of the main points from the text in HTML format:

The text contained an error message indicating an invalid file format was used. The supported formats are: 'flac', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpga', 'oga', 'ogg', 'wav', 'webm'.

The error type is an invalid_request_error. No specific param or code details are provided.

.!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4 - Part 3

The text contains an error message with the following key details:

Message: Invalid file format.

Supported formats: flac, m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, oga, ogg, wav, webm.

The error type is an invalid request error. No code or parameter details are provided.

.!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4 - Part 4

The text is an error message with the following key details:

Message: Invalid file format. Supported formats: flac, m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, oga, ogg, wav, webm Type: invalid_request_error Param: null Code: null

The error indicates an invalid file format was provided. It lists the supported audio file formats. Details about the error type, parameters, and code are also provided.

.!/0.2-Programme%20Overview.mp4 - Part 5

error code: 524.

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