Peter Kell welcomes listeners to his masterclass, stating they will learn from top advertisers. He encourages full participation in the community to surround oneself with successful people.
Kell explains the high price ensures students take it seriously and commit fully. He shares his backstory of failure before online success, including creating a skincare brand making $100,000 a day. His goal is helping others create six, seven, or eight figure brands themselves.
The key mindset shift Kell recommends is "doubling your high score" - doubling the most money you've ever made by duplicating what works. He followed this path to great success. By teaching his secrets, he aims to help transform students' lives as his first mentor transformed his.
Kell urges full commitment to the course, promising it can lead to their biggest campaign and income ever if they dedicate themselves. He welcomes them warmly and says he's proud of them for investing in themselves and their future success.
.The narrator was going through a difficult period in his business and motivation when he realized he had been in similar situations before. By reading old journals, he discovered that right before his previous business breakthroughs, he was focused on expecting something amazing was about to happen. He decided to test the power of this mindset by posting "something amazing is about to happen" all around his home. Soon after, he went on the biggest winning streak of his career, making $40 million.
When he sold his company and prepared to travel the world, he tattooed "something amazing is about to happen" on his arm. He credits this phrase and the mindset behind it for much of his success. Every morning, he tunes into feeling blessed and excited about the amazing things happening and that could happen in his life. He recommends students do the same - visualize and get excited about the most amazing things that could happen in this course.
He emphasizes that success is 90% mental. The key is being obsessed with being in an amazing state where you see the wins and know more are coming. This manifestation process is critical before developing the vision and plans for a dream business.
.The narrator explains that the purpose of this chapter of your life should be to create the most amazing life you can imagine. He has students write down details of their dream life 3-5 years from now - how much money they'd have, experiences with family, possessions, contributions to others. This crystallizes your purpose and the kind of person you need to become to achieve this reality.
He then has students envision the best possible day in their business career over the next 5 years. What specific event happened that day to make it the highlight reel of their career? How did it make them feel? What are people saying about them now?
Next, get specific on the business - monthly profit, operations, customer satisfaction, team environment. Compare yourself to competitors and your past self - are you living your best life?
Finally, confront how you would feel if this dream life never happened. Set a deadline for when missing this dream is no longer acceptable. Then rate your confidence level that your dream is inevitable on a 1-10 scale. Anything less than 11 means you have limiting beliefs holding you back from manifesting your vision. Recognize you've doubled your income before, so you can do it again.
.The narrator became obsessed with becoming a millionaire after discovering the idea while living in his parents' basement. He read over 200 personal development books to learn how to make this dream a reality.
After some initial business failures, the narrator experienced a "glass ceiling" blocking his progress. This led to getting evicted and having to move back in with his parents. He vowed not to start another business until he understood what was holding him back.
The narrator realized that limiting beliefs about money and a poor self-image were sabotaging him. He read books like Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and Psycho-Cybernetics to transform these inner blocks.
From Psycho-Cybernetics, the narrator understood that self-image determines outcomes. By visualizing and affirming his best self, he could plant seeds to achieve that identity. This evolved version of himself was his truest potential.
The narrator urges the audience not to play small but to visualize their dreams and take action, allowing their self-image to manifest the results.
.The narrator read many self-help books before his life took off after reading Conversations with God. He believes this shows there may be "woo-woo stuff" that allows us to control our reality more than we think. He got the words "God's plan" tattooed on his arm because he believes visualizing and claiming a new, better identity can help manifest an even better life than we can imagine on our own.
Neville Goddard was a manifestation teacher who said feeling as if you already have what you desire helps attract it into your life. The narrator used Neville's creative visualization technique to manifest business partners after losing millions in a financial disaster. Two weeks after practicing it, the narrator met Vishen Lakhyani, founder of Mindvalley, and soon became an equity partner in Mindvalley, launching their video sales letter division.
The narrator will now guide the listener through Neville Goddard's technique to visualize in detail the listener's dream business career day, as specific visualization is key to manifestation.