======= DIY Biz Websites - WEBSITE -- "SPEED RUN" -- STEPS ======= - These your "INSTANT LINKS" to setup website https://diybizwebsites.com - Is this URL wrong? Hopefully not, but if so ALL the links below will be i incorrect, so open this in notepad then in menu Edit>replace and change URL... then proceed... ... WAIT! DFY NEWBIE OR GRIZZLED AI BEAST?? Before you proceed... Note: These links are FAST - but have NO instructions. So... - If it's your first time installing, Watch main 30 min setup video first... - If it's your second time and you "get it"? Use links below - for 5 min setup! Let's go!!! RECOMMENDATION: Only attempt the speed run if you are comfortable. ... BEFORE WE START, DO THIS... Before we do the speed run, you should save all files needed to a folder. Then we will email the links to ourselves (this is the fastest way to make all the links clickable which saves another minute of copy-pasting) So, do this... a) Download these 4x files + unzip to /DIY Biz Websites folder, on your computer... JSON - https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/json-1721109208.zip IMAGES - https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/images-1721109208.zip Theme file - https://getagentx.com/dfywebsite/agent-theme.zip Demo.xml - https://thevideotitan.com/00dfy/demo.xml b) Copy all below ---- + email it to yourself. This makes links clickable! c) Now, start! open each link, one by one, action.. close tab.. move onto next =================================== ---------- DOWNLOADED THE ABOVE x4? COPY BELOW + EMAIL YOURSELF ---------- DIY Biz Websites - SPEED RUN INSTRUCTIONS 1. Install Wordpress - https://diybizwebsites.com.com/cpanel 2. Install WP Theme - https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/theme-install.php AgentX Theme file - https://getagentx.com/dfywebsite/agent-theme.zip (Optional) (Install & Activate Plugins - https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/plugins.php -- you should be redirected here so hopefully don't need this link) 3. Install Demo Data Download Demo Data - https://thevideotitan.com/00dfy/demo.xml -- save Import - https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/admin.php?import=wordpress 4. Set Homepage & Blog Page https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php 6. Import HOME.JSON as HOME Download + unzip... https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/json-1721109208.zip Then import home.json to... https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=export-import-json 7. Import REVIEWS.JSON as REVIEWS See above zip for this .json file.... Hit back << after importing home (still on same page) 8. Import TRAINING.JSON as TRAINING See above zip for this .json file.... Hit back << after importing reviews (either skip code.json or attempt it) 9. Import THEME_OPTIONS.JSON See above zip for this .json file.... Click "Import Theme options" tab for this one 10. Open "CODE URL" Go to... https://viralcodebot.com/app/seo-smart-snippet Visit page and copy code (right-click... SELECT ALL.. right-click COPY) 11. Paste this CODE manually Go to... https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=337&action=edit Scroll down, paste and update page 12. Set Tags. Replace your tags with... REVIEWS WEB TOOLS WEBSITE BUILDING MONETIZATION Now, quick edit and replace name & slug https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag 13. Set Categories Delete Misc. Category then replace categories with... REVIEWS WEB TOOLS WEBSITE BUILDING MONETIZATION Now, quick edit and replace name & slug https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category 14. Set Category images Use SAME images from your posts (Featured images are in zip at top of this file, but here they are again: https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/images-1721109208.zip ) 15. Delete POST placeholders https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/edit.php Check top left.. bulk actions.. move to trash 16. Open "Posts (With Images) + start importing x10 Here's how... Open... https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/1721109208-images.html Then... https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/post-new.php Then start copying from one to the other: Copy title.. copy article... import "featured image"..save... x10 (Featured images are in zip at top of this file, but here they are again: https://static.aiz.ac/dfy-json/1721109208/images-1721109208.zip ) 17. Change NavBar Menu select menu.. button.. check.. change if needed.. display location.. save https://diybizwebsites.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php ... DONE! Now view the "MANAGE WEBSITE" guide... and run AI TASKS to add new content...