1. Product Name: [PLR] 3000 Side Hustles Prompts Pack 2. Date: Launch Date: December 21, 2023, Launch Time: 09:00 EST 3. JV Page URL: https://www.plrbuddies.com/products/3000-side-hustles-prompts-jv-page/ 4. Marketer/Creator: Sorin Constantin 5. Network: WarriorPlus 6. Front-end Price: $12.95 7. Product Information: The product is a database of over 3000 AI-generated prompts for side hustles, allowing buyers to rebrand and sell the content. There are several upsells, including: - Upsell 1: PLR to 500+ AI SaaS Ideas Prompts Database for $24.95 - Upsell 2: PLR to AI Lead Magnet Pack for $27 - Upsell 3: PLR to 6 Best Selling Udemy courses for $47 - Upsell 4: DFY Product Creation for $1297 8. Affiliate Information: Affiliates can earn up to $237.90 per sale with commissions up to 75% on the front end and 50% on the subsequent upsells. There's also a 20% commission for the high-ticket DFY Product Creation upsell. Affiliates can find their affiliate link, contest information, and email swipes on the JV page. 9. Marketing Copy: "Earn Up To $237.90 Per Sale Promoting PLR To A HOT, In Demand, Product In The AI Niche... Over 5,000 Happy Customers Have Bought Our Products Before. Now Your Tribe Can Rebrand And Sell This Course As Well!"