1. Product Name AI ComicBooks 2. Date December 6th at 11AM EST 3. JV Page URL http://aicomicsbook.com/jv 4. Marketer/Creator Ashwath S. 5. Network WarriorPlus 6. Front-end price $17 7. Product information AI ComicBooks is claimed to be the world’s first app capable of creating AI-generated comic books and flipbooks in multiple languages, as well as publishing them on Amazon Kindle, eBay, and Etsy in under 60 seconds. The app helps users to create various types of eBooks including storybooks, cartoon books, puzzle eBooks, math eBooks, maze eBooks, and flipbooks. Further, it allows for the creation and publication of puzzle games for kids, riddle game books, and math workbooks, with support for 170+ languages. The app includes a feature to generate ebooks with ChatGPT-powered articles and automatically turns words, PDFs, images, and texts into high-quality AI-generated comic books. The users can also craft covers for their books and flipbooks. The product includes several one-time offers (OTOs): OTO1 at $37, OTO2 at $197, OTO3 at $27, OTO4 at $37, OTO5 at $97, OTO6 at $47, OTO7 at $47, and OTO8 at $27. 8. Affiliate information AI ComicBooks offers affiliates a 50% commission with the potential of earning over $674 per visitor, with instant commissions through WarriorPlus. Affiliates can participate in JV cash prize contests with over $3000 in prizes, subject to making an equal amount in commissions. The contests are based on total revenue and solo efforts only; teams are not permitted in the Phase 1 & 2 Contest. There are different contests outlined for specific dates, with the top winner prize of $700 and additional prizes for second and third places. 9. Marketing copy - "World’s First App That Creates Jaw-Dropping AI Comic Books & FlipBooks In Multiple Languages And Easily Publishes Them On Amazon Kindle, eBay & Etsy In Less Than 60 Seconds!" - "Win Over $3000 In Prizes... 50% Commissions - $674+ Per Visitor" - "Publish These 'HIGH-IN-DEMAND' Ai comics books on amazon kindle, eBay, Flippa, Esty etc.. and make $472.72 per day on autopilot..." - "Create & publish 'High-In-Demand' Puzzle Games AI Kid's Books" - "Generate & Add ChatGPT Powered Articles To The Books…" - "Create Amazing Covers For The Books & Flipbooks… No Special Skills or Experience Required" - "Stuff Your W+ Wallet Full Of Affiliate Commissions In Just 3 Easy Steps!"