1. Product Name EZO by Alpaca Content - EndoPump Prostate Health 2. Date November 30, 2023, at 10:00 AM EST 3. JV Page URL https://warriorplus.com/as/o/tkmt7d 4. Marketer/Creator Andie Brocklehurst et al 5. Network WarriorPlus 6. Front-end price $27 7. Product Information EZO by Alpaca Content is a software tool focused on assisting local businesses to promote the top-selling Clickbank product, EndoPump, which is related to prostate health. The front-end product is offered at $27, providing users with AI-generated local business content for marketing the product EndoPump. There are various upsells; for example, OTO1 offers Affiliate Bridge Pages for $17 and a 7-day email sequence for EndoPump for an additional $27. OTO2 provides more localized business content for $47 with commercial rights as an additional option. There's also an option for a DIY version that lets users create EZO for any product or service, which includes a monthly private user group with priority support. Other upsells include a recurring membership to Society11, the MaxAINews plugin, and private mentorships, with prices and commission structures outlined in the text. 8. Affiliate Information Affiliates can earn a commission of 50% on most products, with the possibility of earning up to $1009 one time, plus $489.33 monthly recurring commissions per click. Additional bumps and upsells offer recurring commissions at 30%. Specific commission percentages and structures vary based on the particular product or upsell being purchased. 9. Marketing Copy "Earnings Up To $1009 One Time PLUS $489.33 Monthly Recurring Commissions Per Click Possible!" "Commercial Rights to AI Local Business for Top Selling Clickbank product EndoPump" "DIY EZO For Any Product or Service+ Monthly Private User Group w/ Priority Support for EZO" "Join the latest local business revolution with EZO and tap into the lucrative health niche!"