1. Product Name The name of the product is not provided in the excerpt you have shared. Without more information or context where the product name is mentioned multiple times, I am unable to determine the exact product name. 2. Date The launch date and time of the product are not provided in the excerpt. We need additional information to specify the date and time of the product launch. 3. JV Page URL [muncheye-jvpage-url-4] 4. Marketer/Creator Ibrahim Tijani is the marketer behind the product. 5. Network The affiliate network for the product launch is not mentioned in the excerpt. Typically, this would be either WarriorPlus, JVZoo, or ClickBank, but without specific information, I cannot determine which network it is launching on. 6. Front-end price The front-end price of the product is not mentioned in the excerpt provided. 7. Product information The excerpt indicates that the product allows scraping Google using the custom_google=True parameter, costing 20 credits per request. However, additional details such as product features, benefits, and information about upsells or one-time offers (OTOs), are not included in the excerpt provided and cannot be summarized. 8. Affiliate information The excerpt does not contain information about affiliate contests, commissions, or other details pertinent to affiliates who may wish to promote the product. 9. Marketing copy Unfortunately, the excerpt does not provide any marketing headlines or pieces of copy that could be used to represent or hype up the product. Additional content from the affiliate/JV page would be needed to provide this.