1. Product Name: DFY YouTube Marketing MASTERY 2. Date: November 25th, 2023 at 9 AM EST 3. JV Page URL: [muncheye-jvpage-url-4] 4. Marketer/Creator: Ibrahim Tijani 5. Network: WarriorPlus 6. Front-end price: $15 at 100% 7. Product information: "DFY YouTube Marketing MASTERY" is a product designed to help individuals create a profitable YouTube channel from scratch and build authority in their online niches. The product offers users unrestricted rights to a marketing strategy that claims to generate targeted buyer traffic daily. It includes a guide from A to Z on selling products and services on YouTube for maximum profit. There are also one-time offer (OTO) upsells available for purchase: - OTO 1: DFY YouTube Authority at $15 at 50% commission. - OTO 2: DFY YouTube Authority Video Upgrade at $35 at 50% commission. 8. Affiliate information: Affiliates can promote this product and win over $500 in cash prizes: $350 for 1st Position, $100 for 2nd Position, and $50 for 3rd Position. To qualify for prize money, affiliates must earn a commission double the prize money. The entire funnel, including upsells, offers commission earnings to affiliates. 9. Marketing copy: - HEADLINE 1: Download Unrestricted Use Rights to DFY YouTube Marketing Mastery - HEADLINE 2: Reveal Easiest way to make money on YouTube - HEADLINE 3: Secret to Making Money On YouTube Unleash - Copy: "Introducing DFY YouTube Marketing Mastery – In this guide you will discover from A to Z how to sell your product and services on YouTube for maximum profit without any hard work required, with Full Unrestricted Use rights."