1. Product Name The product name is not directly provided within the text provided. Without explicit references to the product in the page, it is not possible to determine the name. 2. Date The launch date and time for the product are missing in the provided text. Therefore, I cannot provide this information. 3. JV Page URL The JV page URL is https://plasfy.com/jvs/ 4. Marketer/Creator The marketer/creator behind the product is Ibrahim Tijani. 5. Network The affiliate network being used for the launch of the product is not mentioned in the text provided and thus cannot be determined. 6. Front-end price There is no reference to the front-end price in the text, so I am unable to provide this information. 7. Product information The product information, including upsells or OTOs, is not available in the excerpt given, making it impossible to relay this information. 8. Affiliate information The text does not contain specific details regarding affiliate contests, commissions, or other related information for affiliates. 9. Marketing copy No marketing headlines or promotional copy is included in the text excerpt provided, so I cannot supply any representative hype or marketing content for the product.