1. Product Name DFY YouTube Marketing MASTERY 2. Date November 25th, 2023 at 9 AM EST 3. JV Page URL http://digitalsuccessinnovation.com/dfyyoutubemarketingmasteryjvpage/ 4. Marketer/Creator Ibrahim Tijani 5. Network WarriorPlus (W+) 6. Front-end price $15 FE 7. Product information DFY YouTube Marketing MASTERY is a comprehensive guide designed to help users start and monetize a YouTube channel effectively. It covers strategies for generating free, targeted buyer traffic in various online niches. The product is marketed as a 'done for you' (DFY) solution and apparently gives subscribers unrestricted use rights, so they can freely use and implement the tactics discussed. The funnel includes two One-Time-Offers (OTOs): - OTO 1: DFY YouTube Authority at $15 with a 50% commission rate - OTO 2: DFY YouTube Authority Video Upgrade at $35 with a 50% commission rate 8. Affiliate information Affiliates have the opportunity to earn 100% commission on the front-end product and 50% on the backend (OTOs). Furthermore, there is an affiliate contest with cash prizes: $350 for the 1st position, $100 for the 2nd position, and $50 for the 3rd position. To qualify for the contest prizes, affiliates need to earn commission double the prize money. 9. Marketing copy - "Bank EASY Commissions Promoting 'DFY YouTube Marketing MASTERY'" - "Secret to Making Money On YouTube Unleash" - "Reveal Easiest way to make money on YouTube" - "Download Unrestricted Use Rights to DFY YouTube Marketing Mastery" - "OMG! YouTube Algorithm hack" - "This all you need to make money with LinkedIn selling your product and services this year"