Exclusive Bonuses With Your Synthesys Extended Purchase
Exclusive Offer #1
Hands-On Video Transformation Tutorial
Jump right into video magic with our detailed Synthesys eXtended Transform tutorial. We walk you through how to bring any image to life, keeping the original audio and expressions perfectly synced!
Exclusive Offer #2
Marketing Game Changer Toolkit
Unlock a groundbreaking toolkit that takes your marketing to the next level. Use Synthesys eXtended to create unforgettable campaigns for every occasion!
Exclusive Offer #3
Lifetime Access To The Synthesys Creatives Club
As a Synthesys user, you're automatically part of our Creatives Club. Get lifetime updates, webinars, exclusive tools, and tips from the forefront of video transformation technology!
Exclusive Offer #4
Animated Characters and Avatars Collection
Dive into a collection of animated characters and avatars that you can use to transform your videos and captivate your audience with Synthesys eXtended!