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This site is NOT endorsed by any third-party company in ANY WAY. All trademarks & Logo / branding are the property of their respective owners Disclaimer: By engaging in partnership with MISMI Therapies, we do not issue any guarantees on specific outcomes, as individual results may vary due to numerous factors. It is advisable to conduct thorough due diligence prior to starting any new treatment. We take no responsibility for any decisions made relating to PRP treatment administration within your clinic. Revenue Disclaimer: The financial details provided are hypothetical estimates for the purpose of illustrating potential clinic income and are not unequivocal predictions of future revenue. Actual results can fluctuate based on client volume, pricing, and other market dynamics. MISMI Therapies offers this example under the assumption of optimal operating conditions without guarantee. Liability Disclaimer: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you acknowledge the risks associated with the implementation and use of PRP treatments given the variability in individual patient response. Our company accepts no liability for your clinic's success or failure due to the application of this information or the performance of the treatments provided. Partnership Terms: MISMI Therapies' commitment to enabling your success is represented by our comprehensive support and training programs. We guarantee to provide professional training and top-notch equipment; however, we do not guarantee specific levels of clinic revenue or customer satisfaction. It's the clinic's responsibility to attract and maintain its client base within the purview of our collaboration.