```html Sing at Carnegie Hall

Because, Choral Serenade Means...



In 2023, it's YOUR TURN:

A chance to stand between 3x groups of performers, and...

Your choice ... will define, now and forever...

Whether you shine bright under the spotlight at Carnegie Hall...

or Merely sing in the shadows of an empty stage..

Thinking about "If only I had embraced that Carnegie opportunity when it arose...

Don't be that singer.

Seriously, what I'm sharing with you now, could elevate your voice...

Where do you see yourself? In the audience? In the choir? Or as a soloist?...

Spot #1: Shower Soloist

Average singer. Perfecting their talent in private. Unaware of their potential. Hidden from the world...

Spot #2: Aspiring Artist

Working hard, yet unnoticed. A diamond in the rough. So close to the breakthrough they deserve!

Spot #3: Choral Virtuoso

Singers who've honed their craft, ready for the grand stage. Seizing the chance to perform with legends!

What's the Reality?

Many voices will fade unheard...

Some will reach a fleeting moment of glory...

But those of us eager to learn and perform? Our voices will echo in the halls of history.

Join us! Soar to new heights in 2023 and beyond, singing with Eric Whitaker at Carnegie Hall.

Let me guide you to the stage... and share the profound songs that await your voice...
