Quick Action Bonuses If You Join the A.I Feeder Today
Quick Action Bonus #1
"$4k in 3 Days" Case Studies (Sept 23)
Sep 23. The month I discovered A.I Feedr. I generated over $4k this week, with a variety of affiliate programs, all traced and cloned via A.I Feedr. Apart from providing you with the automation system, I'll give you a step-by-step "case study" guide on what I did, giving you all the in-depth insights for you to replicate...
Quick Action Bonus #2
The "Campaign Cloning" Software
While A.I can handle 90% of the workload, there's a chunky 10% that still needs manual effort. Lucky for you, I've preloaded half a dozen of these software tools which will help clone the campaigns of my system that the AI can't reach. These tools have grossed over $300,000 and would be worth $200+ if bought independently today. No separate upsells though, these are on me.
Quick Action Bonus #3
Lifetime Access To Feedr Affiliates Club
When you join the A.I Feeder family, you get lifetime access to our Feedr Affiliate Club. Expect monthly updates, webinars, free training, new software and many more missed out in the package. Remember, quality content is the key to keeping our customer base happy. Therefore, anticipate a fruitful year with front row seats in the evolving world of affiliate marketing.
Quick Action Bonus #4
Customized Affiliate Prompts Pack
When you become part of A.I Feeder, you're gifted access to our expert affiliate prompts. While obviously, everything is preloaded inside A.I Feeder, we understand that some personalities may like to explore the engine under the hood. If you're one of them, you're in for a ride. We update these prompts constantly in line with the dynamic landscape of affiliate marketing.