```html Join Today
🚀 September 2023 🙏Transform Your Church Growth🙏 with...

✨Discover, Empower & Grow Your Congregation
🌟Transform Every Seat Into A Disciple

👉Ignition for God's Vision through 24toDouble..⛪

[9.svg] LIFE-GIVING TEAMS built to enhance church experience
[9.svg] SYSTEMATIC GROWTH with 24 Video Modules
[9.svg] MONTHLY CALLS for personalized guidance
[9.svg] DONE-FOR-YOU resources & training guides!
[9.svg] TRANSFORM members into active disciples
[9.svg] PRIVATE SUPPORT GROUP - Join Aligned Leaders!
[9.svg] LIFETIME ACCESS to legacy materials
[9.svg] PROVEN RESULTS from churches worldwide
🌟Dear God, we seek growth, so SHELTER OUR FLOCK

Receive Guidance & Support Immediately

Join Now!

 URGENT The Opportunity Ends In:


This isn't a passing chance. Hesitate? Miss transforming your church.
``` ```html Transform Your Church

Pastor, Disciple Seeker. Discover!


Does your church grow? Maybe!

OK. How do you think it should?

Simple fixes? Full-scale revivals? Tradition?

TRY AGAIN. It's about SYSTEMS and TEAMS...

> New visitors every Sunday...
> Empowered volunteers in 7 key teams...
> Engaged members with a passion for ministry...
> Life-changing sermons with full-year plans...
> A thriving community impact via powerful outreach...

See the Bigger Picture?.


Unlock the system - and experience the growth.

We'll guide you through every step...


YES! Show Me How To Double My Church! TEACH ME!

Grow Your Congregation (START NOW!)
``` ```html Revitalize Your Church

Unlock 7 Key Teams for Church Growth with 24toDouble & Transform Your Community into a Thriving Oasis of FAITH!

  • [1.svg]
    24toDouble Online Course - Step-by-Step Discipleship Growth
  • [1.svg]
    Built-In Systems to Empower Your Congregation & Foster Teamwork
  • [1.svg]
    New Member Retention through Engaging Sunday Experiences
  • [1.svg]
    Monthly Video Training & Done-for-You Guides
  • [1.svg]
    Live Q&A Calls & Access to a Private Community of Leaders
  • [1.svg]
    Transform Lives and Expand Your Church's Reach!
``` ```html Grow Your Church
Dedicated Pastors,

Tired of seeing empty seats?

What if there was a SYSTEMATIC way to grow?

DISCIPLESHIP. Engage members, unlock gifts...

24toDouble? It's a proven, strategic approach... insights, advice, tasks...

A continuous reel of support and resources...

The more you apply it, the more your church can flourish. And here's the best part...

We've witnessed it TRANSFORM congregations,

like yours...

Ready to reshape your ministry landscape?

First, gear up for some necessary shifts...

A structured model to follow ("strategy")

Monthly training to equip teams ("resources")

Every element designed for church growth ("impact")...

Here's the reality. Leading a congregation since 2006 has shown me..

You need a robust, effective model to nurture a vibrant church community...

I'm referencing your church's potential to reach thousands, disciple effectively... YES! I'm highlighting the very framework that shifted a church of 60 to a powerhouse of thousands...

It seems like a bold dream...

But it's a reality within grasp. Willing to reform your church's growth journey? Here’s how...

Enroll in the 24toDouble Now - Limited Offer

Access Today

Transform Now!

 ACT FAST Seats Are Filling Quick, Don't Miss Out!

NOTICE! Open Slots Are Limited

Take the step for your church. The opportunity is now.
``` Transform Your Church

The Comprehensive, Step-By-Step DISCIPLESHIP MODEL To Maximize Church Growth

Systematic Growth Strategy & Easy Implementation
24 Video Modules & Monthly Coaching Calls
Empower Teams & Ignite Passion for Ministry

...& Unlock Church Potential with Proven Methods That Can Double Your Congregation

Teamwork: Mobilizing 7 Key Church Teams
Visionary Leadership: Building a Thriving Community
Discipleship: Transform Members into Evangelists
Community Impact: Reaching Out Effectively
Life Balance: Achieving Growth Without Burnout
Evangelism: Multiplying Outreach Efforts
Embrace Your Church's Potential - Special Offer

Gain Access to Our Whole Church Discipleship Plan Today

Enroll Now!

 ACT FAST Special Pricing Ends Soon!

ATTENTION! Enrollment Limited

Don't miss the opportunity to revolutionize your church.
Maximize Growth

TRANSFORM YOUR CHURCH: Empower and Engage with 24toDouble Whole Church Model
Join Now and Expand Your Reach - Discover your Church's Potential

```html Grow Your Congregation






Build Life-Giving Teams

Empower Church Systems

Increase Community Influence

Reignite Passion for Ministry

Ignite Member Evangelization

Promote Spiritual Growth

Cultivate Commitment to Service

Create Inviting Church Experiences

Impact Through Genuine Spirituality

``` ```html Grow Your Congregation

Discover Why 24toDOUBLE Exceeds Traditional Church Growth Programs

Curious how 24toDouble compares with outdated church growth strategies?
Still unsure about transitioning to a discipleship-based model?
Let us show you with this clear-cut comparison how 24toDouble eclipses the conventional methods...
Fact is: Your old growth techniques won't have the same reach as our Discipleship Model... See the proof!
Generic Outreach Programs
Traditional Growth Strategies
Outdated Discipleship Models
Church Growth?
Effective Outreach?
Fully Implemented Discipleship?
``` ```html Join Today

Experience Growth with 24toDouble's Whole Church Discipleship


Grow Your Church with a Proven System

Learn the structure and strategies that turned our church from 60 to 6000 members. Adopt a systematic approach that's worked globally, across different congregations. Let 24toDouble show you the seven essential teams for a life-giving church and how to kickstart growth in your spiritual community.

Empower and Equip Your Teams

Unlock the potential of your leaders with our monthly video modules, comprehensive notes, PDFs, and training guides. Ensure every team member is equipped for success and ready to make a lasting impact in your church and community.

Revolutionize Your Outreach

With 24toDouble, increase your church's reach, invite new members into His presence, and create a welcoming environment where every person feels loved. Extend your influence and experience the joy of a thriving, vibrant church.

Real-Life Transformation Successes

Be inspired by case studies from around the world. Churches large and small, in urban and rural settings, have flourished using 24toDouble. Join us to be part of this global transformation and see how our model can work for you.
``` ```html Join Today

Exclusive Bonuses When You Enroll Today

Bonus #1: Early Bird

Custom Team Training Starter Pack

As an early registrant, you'll receive our premier starter pack which provides guidance and resources to kick-start your team trainings. Leverage our custom-tailored content to empower your volunteers and turn your leaders into discipleship catalysts.

Bonus #2: Community Access

24x7 Ministry Support Network

Get lifetime access to our exclusive community group. Connect with other like-minded church leaders, receive support, share insights, and collaborate on strategies to magnify your church's impact and foster growth.

Bonus #3: Expert Guidance

Live Monthly Mastermind Calls

Gain immediate entry to our monthly mastermind calls hosted by seasoned church growth experts. You'll discover actionable tactics, get answers to your pressing questions, and stay updated with the latest in discipleship and community engagement.

Bonus #4: Resources Galore

Sermon Series and Congregational Guides

Dive deep into a full year's worth of sermons and teaching materials, complete with congregation notes. Enhance your weekly services, foster deeper biblical understanding, and provide your members with engaging scriptural explorations.
``` ```html Grow Your Church
Transform Your Church With 24toDouble and Our

Guaranteed Whole Church Discipleship Model

(Disciple, Grow, and Engage - we promise results!)

Explore our comprehensive course materials for 24todouble in your ministry for 60 days...

Watch our video modules, follow the step-by-step guides..

Utilize all of our resources for your church's growth and discipleship strategy...

If you're not satisfied, if you don't see your church community growing and your congregation engaging more deeply with their faith – just reach out to us...

We’re so confident in the 24toDouble model that we’re willing to refund your investment, no questions asked. You can cancel anytime, and for ANY reason. That's how sure we are that you will see transformational growth in your church and personal ministry...So why wait? This is an opportunity that’s entirely risk-free!

Grow Your Church and Impact Your Community NOW - join the movement...

Church Growth and Satisfaction
Guaranteed or Your Money Back.

``` Discover 24toDouble

Yes! Church Growth = Exciting, Yet...


You're mere moments away from EMBRACING growth - and here's what you need to understand first...

Consider the dedication it takes to foster a thriving community, the effort & passion infused into every part of discipleship and outreach...

Envision the potential your congregation holds, and yet how much of it remains untapped...

Perhaps you sense there's a more effective system, a well-kept secret amongst growing churches...

And you've seen the astonishing impact other churches have had using 24toDouble... REAL success in community upliftment, personal discipleship, and much more...

But we cannot extend this opportunity indefinitely. We must ensure the quality and exclusivity of the 24toDouble approach for each participating church.

This is why access to 24toDouble is limited. Now here's how this concerns you...

Your chance is now. There’s a fleeting time to embrace 24toDouble... unlock the true potential of your ministry... and experience church growth like never before. My advice: seize this opportunity wholeheartedly, before we close the doors... potentially for good.

```html Grow Your Congregation

Get Ready To Impact Your Community &

Transform Lives With Whole Church Discipleship!

[10.svg]  Systematic Church Growth Strategy & Online Course
[10.svg]  Monthly Calls for Continuous Improvement & Support
[10.svg]  Proven Frameworks to Build and Empower Ministry Teams
[10.svg]  Attract New Visitors & Nurture Discipleship
[10.svg]  Access to a Private, Supportive Online Community
[10.svg]  Designed Based on Practical Experiences of Successful Growth
[10.svg]  Ready-to-Use Sermons and Comprehensive Teaching Materials
[10.svg]  Drive Church Growth and Make a Lasting Impact in Your Congregation!
YES! I Want Discipleship Transformation


Join Now!

 LIMITED TIME Special Enrollment Period Closes Soon!

ACT NOW! Enrollment Closing Soon

Take the step to grow your congregation. Opportunity is knocking!
``` ```html Transform Your Church

Why Choose

24todouble For Your Church

Generic Church Growth Tips
Introduction to Discipleship Models
Clearly communicated vision
Practical steps for growth
Proven Whole Church Discipleship Model
24 Video Teaching Modules & Monthly Q&A Calls
7 Essential Teams for a Life-Giving Church
Unique Gifts & Passions Assessment Tools
One Year of Prepared Sermons & Notes
Done-For-You Team Training Guides
Private Facebook Group & Lifetime Legacy Access
``` Join 24toDouble Today

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

[19.svg] Q: What is 24toDouble Whole Church Discipleship?

A: 24toDouble is a proven church growth model designed to equip your church with effective discipleship strategies, lead members to engage in personal ministry, and facilitate ongoing community impact and church expansion.

[19.svg] Q: How does the 24toDouble model empower church teams?

A: The program provides systematic training and resources to build and empower seven essential teams for sustainable growth, ensuring everyone can serve with passion and purpose.

[19.svg] Q: Can 24toDouble benefit my community?

A: Absolutely, by following the Whole Church Discipleship Model, your church can significantly increase its influence and positive impact within the local community.

[19.svg] Q: Does this program require previous experience?

A: No, 24toDouble is designed for churches of any size and experience level, offering step-by-step guidance for church transformation and growth.

[19.svg] Q: What if I'm not technologically savvy?

A: Don't worry, 24toDouble is user-friendly and offers support along the way, including monthly calls and a private Facebook group for guidance and community.

[19.svg] Q: How quickly will I see results?

A: While growth doesn't happen overnight, consistent application of the model typically leads to noticeable improvements in engagement and attendance in a few months.

Ready for a Transformative Growth in Your Ministry?
Get Instant Access to 24toDouble Now...

```html Grow Your Congregation
This site is NOT endorsed by any third party company in ANY WAY. All trademarks & Logo / branding are the property of their respective owners Disclaimer: Every Effort Has Been Made To Accurately Represent Our Course And Its Potential. Any Claims Made Of Spiritual Growth Or Examples Of Actual Results Can Be Verified Upon Request. The Testimonials And Examples Used Are Exceptional Results, & Don’t Apply To The Average Purchaser & Are Not Intended To Guarantee That Anyone Will Achieve The Same Or Similar Results. Each Individual’s Success Depends On His Or Her Faith, Dedication, Engagement With The Community, And Motivation. As With Any Church Growth Effort, There Is An Inherent Risk of Loss of Capital And There Is No Guarantee That Your Congregation Will Grow. . Income Disclaimer: This website and the items it distributes contain pastoral strategies, growth methods and other advice that, regardless of our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for your congregation. 24todouble (and its creators) make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site your church will grow or improve current congregational numbers, as there are many factors and variables that will impact any given church. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the church growth model, the conditions of the community, the experience of the individual pastor, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any church-growth endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment of time and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. Liability Disclaimer: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your church growth strategies as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your church growth model if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your church operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding congregation size as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for educational purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making important church decisions. Guarantee Terms: The Guarantee Is Not A Promise Of Growth Whatsoever. It's Merely There To Show You That We're Confident About What We're Offering. To Qualify For The Conditional Guarantee You Must Show Clear Cut Evidence That You've Done The Work And Asked For Help And We Weren't Able To Solve The Problem. If 24todouble does not work as stated we will return your payment - Refunds are always honored so there are no risks!
``` ```html Grow Your Church
TRANSFORM Your Church with Revolutionary Growth

Empower Your Congregation with 24toDouble

DISCOVER! A Proven Discipleship Model

[11.svg] Draw New Believers and Build Your Church
[11.svg] Implement The 7 Key Teams for Church Success
[11.svg] Create a Welcoming Environment That Invites Growth
[11.svg] Equip Your Members for Personal Ministry
[11.svg] Ignite Passion and Purpose in Your Community
[11.svg] Leverage Proven Systems for Sustainable Impact
[11.svg] Multiply Your Outreach and Discipleship Efforts
[11.svg] Transform Lives with Structured, Engaging Content
``` ```html Transform Your Church

To Grow Your Church...

You Need 7 Teams...

[15.svg] Vision
[16.svg] Systems
[17.svg] Empowerment

Join the journey to transform your community and flourish church attendees with our innovative approach for 2023.

Curious to learn more?

But there's more...
``` ```html Grow Your Church
Disciple-Making That's


Empower Your Church with Our Systematic Growth Model
FEATURE #1: Attract New Members Consistently
FEATURE #2: Build A Thriving Church Community
FEATURE #3: Monthly Support Calls
FEATURE #4: Easy-To-Execute Strategies
FEATURE #5: Engaging Teaching Materials
FEATURE #6: Increase Community Impact
``` ```html Experience Growth

Beloved Shepherd...Is Your Church...


Struggling To Welcome More SOULS?

Are you feeling challenged?

You're not alone. Like many, you may have tried "church growth workshops", software and consultants. Yet, you're left witnessing empty pews...

The yearning to foster a thriving community is there, but creating lasting connections eludes you...

Let me assure you, it DOESN'T have to stay this way. I'm excited about a transformative approach that's helping shepherds like you...

``` ```html Join 24todouble Today
Grow Your Church & Community With

24todouble Whole Church Discipleship Model


Learn about the 7 critical teams for a life-giving church and how to attract people consistently.

Get Started:

Implement systems to empower your church teams and ignite a passion for ministry within your community.

Don't Wait To:

Start the proven process to disciple your church and expand your influence in your community.

``` ```html Transform Your Church

DEDICATED Pastors Are Seeing REMARKABLE Growth Using

24toDouble System And Your Church Can Too!

(Don't Hesitate.. Your Community Awaits!)

UNLOCK! The Key to Consistent Church Growth, Revealed!

Discover how to invite and retain new congregation members with our step-by-step course. Growth is a journey!

VISION: Launch Life-Changing Ministries Effortlessly!

Equip your teams using our proven system. From mundane to mission-critical, watch the transformation!

THRIVE! Engage Your Community, Ignite Your Ministry.

Begin your journey to a thriving church today. Your members are destined for leadership and outreach - unleash their potential!

``` Transform Your Church

Empower Your Church With 24toDouble's Discipleship Model

Discover a Systematic Approach to Grow a Vibrant Congregation

Enroll in Our Church Growth Program Now

```html Grow Your Church

Discover How 24toDouble Can Transform Your Church Growth...


Unlock the potential to grow your congregation effectively...


Learn about the 7 Teams that make a church vibrant and inviting!


Systems: Build effective systems to empower your congregation and inspire personal ministry.


Includes: Whole Church Discipleship Model to engage and encourage growth.


Get Started: Kickstart your ministry's expansion today.


Live Monthly Q&A Calls to help guide your church's growth.


Expert Guidance: Learn from those who've successfully grown their congregations.


Empower Your Leaders and build a powerful ministry together.


PLUS: Revitalize your church and community with effective evangelism.

And That's Just A Glimpse Of What 24toDouble Offers Your Ministry

``` ```html Transform Your Church
Elevate Your Church Growth with Discipleship...

🙏 24toDouble Whole Church! Transform Lives In Your Community... Start Today!

Empower Your Leaders & Unleash Potential!
[9.svg] Disciple Your Congregation with 24toDouble
[9.svg] Attract and Engage New Church Members
[9.svg] Implement 7 Teams for Life-Giving Church Growth
[9.svg] Systematic Approach to Church Influence
[9.svg] Develop Passion and Vision in Ministry
[9.svg] Train with Done-for-You Guides and Support
[9.svg] Monthly Calls to Supercharge Growth
[9.svg] Join a Community of Growing Churches
[9.svg] Create Dramatic Change with 24toDouble!
Enroll in 24toDouble Now
Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Today!

Special Offer $97

Start Growing!

 ACT NOW The Offer Is Limited!

EXCLUSIVE! Limited Time Access to 24toDouble

Secure your place and start transforming now...
``` ```html Grow Your Congregation

Transform Your Church with Proven Growth Strategies

Ready for a Life-Giving Church Experience?
Introducing 24todouble Whole Church Discipleship!

Implement 7 Teams for Sustained Church Health & Growth (Discover How!)
``` ```html Discover 24toDouble

UNVEILED! Disruptive Church Growth...

đź’ˇ 24toDouble's Discipleship Model
Unlocks Untapped Potential

Take a glimpse into the systematic approach that's
changing congregations nationwide...

7 Teams

Essential for a Life-Giving Church

Empower & Ignite

Passion in Your Ministry Teams


Community Influence & Membership

Attracted by this TRANSFORMATION? Over a thousand churches have revitalized their ministry with 24toDouble..

đź’ˇChurch Leaders Everywhere Are Pioneering Change

IMPORTANT! Don't Miss This Unique Opportunity

This special community is usually a high-value bundle. Lock in your access now!
``` Empower Your Ministry

Don't Let Your Church Seats Stay Empty Any Longer!

Today, countless churches are striving to grow their congregations while nurturing faithful communities.

CHALLENGE is... the missing links in your strategy could be stifling your growth. Engaging the community and retaining newcomers are critical, yet often overlooked aspects.

That's where 24toDouble steps in. It's more than just good ideas or preaching enhancement—it's a structured Whole Church Discipleship Model that empowers every aspect of your church to thrive. Through 24toDouble 3.0, You will acquire a passionate volunteer force, an engaged church body, and a Sunday experience that keeps your seats filled every week.

Discover How 24toDouble Can Revitalize Your Ministry & Community!

```html Join 24toDouble Today

Your Journey to a Thriving Church BEGINS With 24toDouble

1. Discover Effective Teams

Start by understanding the seven essential teams for a life-giving church through our systematic training. Equip and empower each group to fulfill their roles passionately.

2. Systematized Team Building

Then, use our resources to build systems that enable your teams for effective ministry. Strategies gleaned from 24toDouble's comprehensive material will guide you every step of the way.

3. Expand Community Impact

Finally, initiate our discipleship process to expand your church's influence within your community, thereby transforming your outreach and increasing your congregation's growth sustainably.

ACTION REQUIRED! Limited Enrollment Period

Spaces fill quickly. Secure your place in the program to start transforming your ministry today.
``` ```html Grow Your Congregation

Realize Your Church's Full Potential with 24toDouble's Whole Church Discipleship Model...

Empower Your Congregation and Influence Your Community!

Without the correct tools, you may put in endless effort and resources...

Designing Engaging Services


Training Volunteers


Strategic Planning


Growing Your Impact


Improve Your Church's Reach and Capacity...

Embrace The Vision God Has Given You!

``` ```html Grow Your Congregation

...Or Transform Lives From Day One With Our Church Growth Program

Bottom line: with our systematic approach, understand how your church can flourish by fostering true discipleship and community impact...

Regardless of ANY denominational background...

From any location...

And for any congregation size...

EVERY CHURCH can increase their influence and growth

24toDouble provides all the tools you need...

Engaging Community Outreach

Empowering Leadership Teams

Building Lifelong Discipleship

Developing Sustainable Ministries

Nurturing a Giving Culture

Crafting a Welcoming Environment

Setting a Vision for Growth

The 24toDouble system equips you with everything to experience robust growth and strengthen your church body...

IMPORTANT! Limited Time Offer

This exclusive material is only available during our special launch period. Delay and you might miss out on this chance to revolutionize your ministry. Act now!
``` ```html Transform Your Church

Click The Button & Begin Your Journey to Church Expansion (Lessons Included, Powerful Community Engagement Assured!)

Proceed to the enrollment page.

Simply enter your details on this page and then confirm your enrollment.

Just click the button below to begin. You'll then gain immediate access to the 24toDouble program and all its resources in no time.

So, if you're truly ready to empower your ministry with proven church growth strategies, this is your moment.


Are you prepared to embark on this transformation? Then click the button below and I'll meet you inside...

``` ```html Transform Your Ministry
*LATEST* Mar 2023 > Revolutionize Your Church with...

Uncover 7 Teams Discipleship Model That Grows Your Congregation Exponentially in 2023 & Beyond...

POWERFUL! Proven Strategies to Maximize Church Growth!

[9.svg] EMPOWER! Teams with systems for fruitful ministry
[9.svg] BUILD & NURTURE a life-giving church
[9.svg] 24toDouble 3.0 strategically grows your influence
[9.svg] CONSISTENT GROWTH from 60 to 6000+ members
[9.svg] SYSTEMATIC APPROACH to increase community outreach
[9.svg] LIVE MONTHLY CALLS for ongoing support
[9.svg] ENGAGE & EVANGELIZE with a powerful Discipleship Model!
[9.svg] TRANSFORM lives with proven church growth strategies!
``` ```html Grow Your Congregation

Beloved Pastor,


Ready or not...

The secret to a thriving church is out...

It's time to ATTRACT and EMPOWER...

> Building Teams that create a life-giving church...
> Systems for personal ministry...
> A process for whole church discipleship...
> Increased community influence...

You need to HEED THE CALL! Imagine...

A church filled with disciples,


Lead My Congregation to Growth, Jerry!

Empower My Church (START NOW!)
``` Church Growth Essentials


This church growth model is SO strategic...

It's set to REVITALIZE your congregation...

It's going to TRANSFORM the way you nurture faith...

If you are involved in ANY type of church leadership...

Building EFFECTIVE TEAMS (training, discipleship, outreach, administration)...

You need to IMPLEMENT 24todouble - before your community needs go unmet.

Think, "I've tried growth seminars! My Leadership team is full!" well...


```html Transform Your Church
Grow Your Church in 2023, 24toDouble Is Your Proven Pathway To Success

Increase Your Congregation





 END the Cycle of Empty Pews
  STOP Worrying About Church Finances (Empower Generosity with Growth)
  Transform Outreach & Community Impact (Activate Evangelism and Service)
 Experience Balanced Ministry and Personal Life (Leverage Systems for Effective Ministry)


Why Not REVITALIZE Your Church with a God-Inspired Vision That Engages EVERY MEMBER In Ministry...

``` ```html Transform Your Church Today

Because, Church Growth Is About...



In 2023, Experience The Revelation:

A TRANSFORMATION is unfolding among congregations, and...

Your decision today ... can influence generations to come...

Will your church become a beacon of hope in your community...

or remain stagnant with obsolete outreach strategies..

Imagine hearing "If only we had embraced 24toDouble when we had the chance...

Don't let opportunity pass you by.

What I'm sharing with you now, could be the cornerstone of growth...

So ask yourself, will you lead, follow, or simply watch from the sidelines?...

Path #1: Traditionalist

The well-intentioned servant. Sticks to the old ways. Resistant to change. Left behind as the world moves forward...

Option #2: Modern Seeker

Open to new ideas. Tried different strategies. Struggles to find what works. Desires to make a real difference but hasn't found the key.

Path #3: Visionary Leader

The forward-thinker who embraces the Whole Church Discipleship Model, builds empowered teams, and leads the congregation to exponential growth and influence.

The Stark Reality?

Most churches will struggle with dwindling numbers...

Some will try new methods and gain momentary success...

But those who follow the 24toDouble model? They're not just growing—they're thriving.

Join me as we step into a new era for your church... embracing effective strategies that resonate in today's world...

``` Empower Your Congregation






Visionary Pastors

Church Planters

Ministry Leaders

Spiritual Volunteers

Community Advocates

New Believers

Dedicated Parishioners

Youth Ministry Teams

Worship Coordinators

```html Transform Your Church
*Introducing* For Church Leaders > Whole Church Growth Essentials

Empower & Train 7 Teams to Double Your Congregation with 24toDouble

[9.svg] GROW YOUR CHURCH by learning and applying systematic strategies
[9.svg] 24toDouble Model Success Stories Video case studies
[9.svg] EMPOWER TEAMS with provided training guides!
[9.svg] TRANSFORM LIVES through the power of discipleship
[9.svg] REVITALIZE YOUR MINISTRY and see growth!
[9.svg] CULTIVATE COMMUNITY IMPACT using our Whole Church approach!
[9.svg] LEVERAGE MONTHLY COACHING and gain proven insights!
[9.svg] EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to resources that will transform your church!
``` ```html Discover 24toDouble

A Revelation...

IN 2023.. 🌟

How vibrant is your congregation? With 24toDouble?

With our Model We've Enabled Church Growth...

> Growing from 60 to 6000...
> Attract and engage newcomers...
> Empower members with personal ministry...
> Create a life-giving atmosphere...
> Inspire communal transformation...

Want to experience this in April? In Simple Steps?

Embrace The Model Now!

Secure Your Church's Growth (JOIN!)