graph TD Start[Start Process] --> KE[KeywordExtractor] KE --> CSV[gold_investing_keywords.csv] CSV --> SP[SEOPlanner] SP --> Plan[seo_plan.json] Plan --> CC[ContentCreator] CC --> Draft[sales_page_draft.txt] Plan --> HA[HTMLAssembler] Draft --> HA HA --> Final[gold_investing_sales_page.html] Final --> End[End Process] subgraph KeywordExtractor Process KE --> KE1[Find Low-Competition Keywords] KE1 --> KE2[Convert to CSV Format] end subgraph SEOPlanner Process SP --> SP1[Select Primary/Secondary Keywords] SP1 --> SP2[Create Title/Meta/Headings] end subgraph ContentCreator Process CC --> CC1[Generate Sales Copy] CC1 --> CC2[Add CTAs] end subgraph HTMLAssembler Process HA --> HA1[Create HTML Structure] HA1 --> HA2[Integrate Content and SEO Elements] end