graph TD
Start[Start: Receive T-Shirt Listing Data] --> A1
subgraph PrepareInput[Prepare Input Silo]
A1[Validate T-Shirt Listing Data Structure] --> A2[Generate validated_listing_data]
subgraph KeywordExtraction[Keyword Extraction & Analysis Silo]
B1[Extract and Analyze Keywords] --> B2[Generate raw_keyword_analysis]
B2 --> B3[Refine and Rank Keywords]
B3 --> B4[Generate refined_keyword_data]
subgraph OutputGen[Output Silo]
C1[Format Keywords Report] --> C2[Generate final_keyword_report]
A2 --> B1
B4 --> C1
C2 --> End[End: Return Keyword Analysis Report]
style Start fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style End fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
style PrepareInput fill:#e4f7fb
style KeywordExtraction fill:#fbf3e4
style OutputGen fill:#f7fbe4