graph TD
A[Content Generation Agent] --> B{For each section}
B --> C[Retrieve relevant information from summarized research content]
C --> D[Use skill #177 to generate written content]
D --> E[Save generated content as plain text file]
E --> F{Next section}
F --> B
F --> G[Output: 10 plain text files with written content]
G --> H[Image Generation Agent]
H --> I{For each section}
I --> J[Use skill #169 to generate relevant 1792x1024 image]
J --> K[Save generated image as PNG file]
K --> L{Next section}
L --> I
L --> M[Output: 10 PNG image files]
M --> N[Combine outputs from Content Generation and Image Generation]
N --> O[Final Output: 10 plain text files with written content and 10 PNG image files]