graph TD Start[Start] --> NeedMoreInfo{More information
about task and
subagents needed?} NeedMoreInfo -->|Yes| RequestInfo[Request detailed
task description,
desired output,
and requirements] RequestInfo --> AwaitResponse[Await user response
with task details] AwaitResponse --> ReceivedInfo{Received sufficient
task details?} ReceivedInfo -->|No| RequestInfo ReceivedInfo -->|Yes| AnalyzeTask[Analyze task and
identify potential
subagents] AnalyzeTask --> DefineSubagents[Define subagents,
their roles, inputs,
and outputs] DefineSubagents --> CreateFlowchart[Create detailed
flowchart for each
subagent] CreateFlowchart --> ReviewFlowchart[Review and refine
subagent flowcharts] ReviewFlowchart --> FlowchartsComplete{Subagent flowcharts
complete?} FlowchartsComplete -->|No| CreateFlowchart FlowchartsComplete -->|Yes| ImplementSubagents[Implement subagents
based on flowcharts] ImplementSubagents --> TestSubagents[Test and debug
subagents] TestSubagents --> IntegrateSubagents[Integrate subagents
into main workflow] IntegrateSubagents --> TestWorkflow[Test and debug
complete workflow] TestWorkflow --> WorkflowComplete{Workflow functioning
as intended?} WorkflowComplete -->|No| AnalyzeTask WorkflowComplete -->|Yes| End[End]