graph TD
A[Input: List of 5-10 relevant keywords, phrases, and concepts from the niche research] --> B{Silo 1: Niche Description Generation}
B --> C{Skill #177 - Write Text From Researched Text}
C --> D[Short description of the niche or topic]
A --> E{Silo 2: Keyword Expansion}
E --> F{Skill #184 - Brainstorm Related Keywords}
F --> G[Expanded list of keywords and phrases related to the niche]
G --> H{Silo 3: Slogan Generation and Refinement}
H --> I{Skill #193 - Create 2-10 Short MicroCopy Text x3}
I --> J[List of 10 slogans or puns]
J --> K{Skill #178 - Rewrite Text Based On Instructions}
K --> L[List of 10 refined slogans or puns]
L --> M{Silo 4: Slogan Ranking and Selection}
M --> N{Skill #178 - Rewrite Text Based On Instructions}
N --> O[Top 3 slogans or puns saved as a single text file]