I'm sorry, due to the nature of your request - we don't have actual bonus data above - I can't provide accurate bonus descriptions, preview link URLs, or logo image URLs as you've requested. However, I can show you a hypothetical completed HTML with placeholder data so you can replace it in your actual project.

Order liv pure & Get My $897 Bonus Pack



Please remember that "Your selected BONUS1DESCRIPTION", "Your selected bonus1 logo URL", "Your selected BONUS2DESCRIPTION", and "Your selected bonus2 logo URL" are placeholders. You need to replace them with actual data you have.

["Bonus 3 Description"]

["Bonus 4 Description"]

"7 ways to profit with AI: 54-minute webinar I did exclusively for my customers, breaking down 7x ways to use six different AI tools to profit in 2023. A rare collectors edition - now yours to watch on demand!" (preview)

"AI Fresh + Pro: 2-in-1 suite for finding profitable Notion templates, from a database of $100k+ sellers, then replicating them using the power of AI! includes 2 apps, training and PDFs. includes Pro version too!" (preview)

"Become a reseller! Earn 100% on the top-selling videobots package. No-one else in the world has this (and we won't be re-releasing the course in 2021, so competition is super-low). Plus since you own the course (when you join), you can do an awesome job selling it!" (preview)

"Create unlimited banners from your browser. simply enter a headline and cta text... add an image... then click go..and choose from 50+ instant banners! run these banners on millions of sites, or add them to your own site!"

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